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"Where are you going?" Sooheon question made soyeon quiet. "We're visiting the detention." It wasn't really visiting. But for you guys it was.

Those words made sooheon let out a sigh. Probably done with the shit his friends put up with. "Did you guys ditch school again?" Sooheon asked, specifically looking at the girl who was much closer to him, then the other.

Who was looking down and her feet was being dragged around here and there against the floor. Soyeon noticed and decided to answer. "We care for school, nobody visits detention. So we decide to take care of it" you cutted words off of soyeons mouth.

Whom had opened to find a much better reason to deal with the question without embarrassing herself or her bestfriend. Soyeon smiled at her bestfriends intelligence. She smiled at sooheon before linking arms with hyun jae and dragging her to detention.

Sooheon looked at the two bickering, probably because hyun jae doesn't like when someone holds or links there hand. He smiled. On his way to lunch, the cat. Ok chanmi waiting for him.


It was finally break. You made your way towards the lunch. As you made your way, you saw sooheon standing you looked at him.

Both of you were pretty tall, you were just a few centimeteres smaller then him. But the height difference wasn't much.

Both of you surrounded by friends. And either of yours hand in pocket. Ji sooheon smiled and raised his brows. Showing his genuine, sweet nature.

You looked at him, for a nice second before sitting. As your friend brought you the tray to eat. You didn't have much friends, but everyone wanted to be your friend.

So there would always be one or two new people sitting with you at break, it didn't bother you as you didn't talk A lot with them. And would prefer eating your lunch.

Your face towards the boys standing. As sooheon thanked jihyeon for something. You grabbed your chopsticks. Grabbing a great amount of rice in it and eating.

"Hey, ji sooheon. Where were you?" One of his friends asked. As you glanced at him, but he didn't. "I just had this sudden urge to go and watch the sunset at sea"

He said describing it with his hands. As he glanced at you busy eating. You cared enough to listen at him. "Hey, Hyun jae was also absent. Why didn't you come?"

One of the students sitting on tables asked as you chocked on your rice. "What?" You asked between chocking. Sooheon and others gathered around.

Leaving their lunch as they were sat on tables and chairs, around the two. To know what the "couple" was upto. "Why would you say that?" Sooheon said frustrated.

"Hey, We aren't going out or anything. I was home taking care of something" you said, chopsticks in your hand but with no food between.

Suddenly osung came to the rescue. "Hey, hey. Why are you gathered here? Go back" he shooed everyone as you thanked him.
He sat down and you saw sooheon looking somewhere smiling, specifically at someone. You looked at the direction of his gaze to find ok chanmi.

You stared at her and your brain was full of thoughts. Ok chanmi noticed your stare and smiled, you were to return the smile when she was dragged by one of her friends. Suddenly a unfamiliar figure sat on the desk.

Seok jaebom. That's what he introduced himself as. Due to a accident he lost his memories. It made sense, but you were surprised. "Hyunjae?" The mentioned asked as you looked up "yeah" you replied nodding.

Jaebom showed his smile,as you gave him a slight smile. "You seem popular" jaebom asked eating his food. Not wanting to reply osung took the lead. "She is" That's what osung said. You couldn't even thank him, he was suppose to stirr the conversation.

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