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Ahjung smirked and patted him on his shoulder. "What about my phone?" She asked. Sooheon pointed towards you. "It was her phone?" You asked your expression displayed as if you saw a ghost.

"What happened?" Soyeon asked wondering, "oh, He called.. but panicked. When I told him I was your boyfriend. He cursed me out and hung up. He kept texting...so I gave her the phone. She is good at words and cursing people"

Sooheon explained. "He asked me who I was and I just said older sister" you sighed hands in your pocket as you looked at ahjung who was looking at her phone. "Thank you, sister!" She said teasing you.

"Don't call me that" you said as everyone laughed but ahjung hugged you. And kept repeating thank you sister she didn't seem to be letting off the hug any time soon, making soyeon join the two girls two as Hyunjae kept on yelling for them to basically stop murdering her, since she was short of breath.

Ahjung let go of the hug and opened her phone. "By the way who's this? They sended me 10 messages. This is ahjung's number, right. I am OK chanmi. I want to talk to you about Park wonseok"

Ahjung read the messages aloud, as you and sooheon glanced at eachother.
So it is indeed true. She is Park wonseok-no, ok chankyu's twin sister. The one you were friends with in the orphanage.

"Ok chanmi? Isn't she in your class? Sooheon, do you know her?" Ahjung asked confused. "Isn't she from the shooting team, the one who transferred from busan?" Soyeon asked as sooheon nodded.

"That's right" sooheon said looking at you and then to the two other girls. "So that means what you said is right" sooheon said turning around, you nodded. "What? It seems like you two are hiding something"

Soyeon said, looking suspicious of the two."No, nothing. We gave your phone back. We'll head off then. Let's go" sooheon said holding your hand and dragging you with him.

Although you didn't mind him holding your hand, but he have to give a warning before doing so. Everytime he does so your heart seems to be jumping out of your chest.

You heard ahjung shout "Thank you" as the two of you turned around smiling and waved at the other two.

The next day you did the same routine, Waking up, getting ready and then racing with sooheon to school. It was dangerous but the two of you did it for fun and made sure you guys were safe, rather then being in lead.

It was first class. It was tiring like always you didn't payed attention and fiddled with the pen in your hand. You looked over the classroom to see not everyone was as obedient and attentive than the ones in front row were.

You heard some low groans when you looked you saw sooheon clutching his forehead, you leaned forward. "Sooheon, are you okay?" You asked. He didn't even spare a glance and ran away from the class his hand clutching his mouth.

You were left worried, you saw chanmi ran behind him. As you did the same and excused yourself. Following chanmi behind she entered the bathroom.

She softly said "ji sooheon" you followed her, "chanmi!" She looked at you "oh, Hyunjae" she let out hesitant. "Sooheon, are you there?" But your yells for your bestfriend made her smile as she did the same. And helped you knocking the doors to find the man.

She suddenly started banging the door. And shouting his name. You looked at her panicked state, "chanmi, what happened?" You asked. "Blood" she pointed at the blood. Your eyes widen.

You tapped the door, "sooheon!" "Open the door" suddenly sooheon came out. But from the other stall. "What are you doing?" He asked looking at the two girls, "ji sooheon..," Ok chanmi said. "Who's blood is this then?" You said pointing at the blood.

Sooheon eyes landed to the pointed direction his eyes widen, he didn't waste a second going to a stall and jumping, unlocking the door from the inside.

"Hey, isn't it the girl from yesterday? The broadcasting club?" Chanmi said. You ran to her and so did sooheon. "Take of your shirt" you said to sooheon holding the injured hand of the unconscious girl.

"Huh?" Sooheon asked completely confused and surprised, "hurry" you said raising your voice. He did as said. You took his shirt and wrapped it around the arm hoping it will help stop the blood for a few minutes.

Chanmi didn't waste a second in calling an ambulance.

Following them outside. As the three of you stood there hearing the cries of the girl from before, you thought was her bestfriend. Your eyes landed on the bright orange sweater, his sweater color making it easy to attract attention.

Jungkyung with his two minions, but he was slapping himself and seemed to be talking with himself. "Seems like he finally went crazy" you mumbled, sooheon heard and looked at you "What?" You looked at him. "Nothing, let's go"

Sooheon eyes diverted to the direction you were looking at to find jung kyung. "Are you all okay?" The nurse asked as you and the other two nodded.

In the nurse office, the three of you changed your clothes as they were full of blood. The nurse came to ask if you all were doing fine. And she smiled with positive replies.

"The detectives are waiting for you" they said as you all nodded.

There were only two detectives so one person had to wait, ji sooheon was already gone for his interrogation "you should go" you said to Ok chanmi who smiled and went inside.

You stood there leaning against the wall waiting. Once she came out she smiled at you again "you can go in" she said and went away, you nodded and went inside.

They asked questions about the incident and you replied much similar to what the other two had answered. "Park wonseok. You know ji sooheon, your friend reported his dead body, right?"

The detective asked as you nodded slowly not sure what she meant. "Well, yeah. He did" you replied she smiled and leaned forward. "Between you and me, did you find anything suspicious about ji sooheon?" She asked as you scoffed and leaned back on chair.

"If I am being honest, then no. Don't expect for something to spill through my mouth when their is nothing to spill" you said as the detective sighed. "Okay, you can leave now" she said with a smile as you got up and went outside.

You went to your classroom, but saw neither Ok chanmi nor sooheon was there. So you went outside, you were walking hands in pockets as you looked up to see kook jihyun. Not wanting to deal with her you walked forward completely ignoring her presence.

She grabbed you by your wrist making you stop. You looked at her eyes brows raised. "Look at your loyal boyfriend, falling in love with chanmi" jihyun said pointing, you looked over to see them playing around.

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