Bucky headed north and entered an abandoned building. He walked around and Redwing came up behind him.

Bucky swatted at Redwing, jumping in the air to try to get him, who moved out of the way and Falcon said, "Oh-ho-ho. Don't hurt him."

When he found Sam and Reya, they were looking at footage Redwing had captured.

Without looking up, Sam said, "You're doing the staring thing again." Bucky shot him a dirty look and Sam jerked his head to the right. "They're in there."

"Where's the guy?" Bucky asked, glancing at the footage.

Reya shook her head. "We don't know. Sam and I think they're smuggling weapons, though."

"Well, I think you could be right." He took a quick moment to think before studying the footage and their surroundings. "Hmm. But there's only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it."

"We're not assassins," Sam reminded him.

Bucky looked at Sam. "I'll see you two inside or not."

Bucky walked away.

Sam, still looking at the device on his wrist, said, "Hey, come on, man. I'm just messing with you. Come back. Look at you. All stealthy." He chuckled. "A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther."

"It's actually White Wolf."


Bucky took one way around while Sam and Reya took another way, found by Redwing.

"All right, I'm inside. Therefore, way ahead of you two. It's not great, but very doable." He saw Sam and Reya. "Huh? Hello," he greeted sarcastically as he looked around in slight surprise. "How are you?"

"Good. What did we miss? Nothing," Sam shot back.

Reya rolled her eyes. "Enough, boys.."

Sam stopped Bucky and said, "No, wait."

"I got a Vibranium arm," Bucky argued. "I can take them."

"And Reya and I can fly. Who gives a shit? Wait. I want to see where they're going."

Bucky squinted as she looked across the way and said, "There's two people."

"You only see two?" Sam shook his head.

"That's what I saw."

"Let me see what Redwing sees. Let me see."

"All right." Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Let's see what Redwing... Oh, look at that. How many people you two see now? One, two... Oh, here it comes again." Bucky sighed. "Four. Five."

"Yeah, five. Yeah. So they're strong. Whatever. All right, let's go." The Super Soldier tried to move again.

"No, no, wait," Sam protested, hitting something which caused a loud clatter. "Shit."

Reya let out a quiet groan.

The people looked around before a woman said, "All right, let's move. Let's move. Yeah."

The doors closed and the engine started.

Keys tapped as Sam looked at what Redwing saw, then said, "There's an eighth person. I think they have a hostage."

Hostage was the only thing Bucky needed to hear. He ran off, followed by Sam and Reya who flew into the air.

Bucky ran after the truck, quickly catching up, and leapt onto the doors.

Bucky opened the door and it swung open. He swiftly entered.

Never Back Down // TFATWSWhere stories live. Discover now