Morning calls

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I sigh as I pull myself out of bed, my hair falling into my face, and Glossaryck laughing beside me. 

"Why are you in here?" I ask him, his (Maybe not-so) little pink eyes staring at me. So weird.

"Star sent me to wake you up of course! She says she needs to talk to you about something, and you should go down to the dining hall." He says exasperatively, as if I should have known what he was going to say before he even said it, like I'm the akinator (Spoiler alert- I'm not!)

"Right. And where is the dining hall?" I ask, trying to pull my now extremely knotty pink hair away from my face, so I can see properly. I know I'm a bit of a bed head, but this is extreme! I knew I should have put it up... Glossaryck notices this, and points a singular hairy finger at me before a little blue beam comes out, entirely fixing up my hair. Wow. That's absolutely incredible! That would've taken ages to sort out normally, ike maybe an hour

I follow him down to the dining hall, where I find my mother and father sat at the table. Glossaryck pointedly looked at an empty seat opposite my father, which I took as a hint to sit there. As I pulled out the tall chair and took a seat, a weird snooty man with a long nose came out from another door holding a platter with 3 plates of pancakes.

We each got served a set of pancakes drizzled in golden syrup, a little picturesque slice of butter on top, just like in cartoons and movies! I wasn't actually sure how to eat them, as I'd seen them in cartoons and movies and other media, but I'd never actually eaten american pancakes, or seen them be eaten. Back home, we had large thing pancakes which you'd fill with syrup, whipped cream, ice cream or really anything you want, then you'd roll it up and eat it like a burrito. I don't think I can roll these up like a burrito.

I watch mum cut up hers with a knife and fork, so I attempt the same, except I'm not exactly the best at cutting things. Placements of knives and forks in my hand and which hand to use for each is usually a massive struggle, because I want the fork in my right hand for a strong grip but also the knife in my right hand to cut well- and I only have 1 right hand. I think. Yeah, pretty sure I still only have 1 hand.

"So, sweetie, we have something to talk to you about," Mum begins, pausing her eating of her pancakes. It must be important for her to stop eating the pancakes, because wow, these are amazing!

"We were thinking about sending you to a school on earth, just like I went to when I was your age!" Mum finished, looking at me hopefully.

Oh. Well. That's.... interesting... I've never liked school, but maybe some time back on earth might be good for me! I finish up the rest of my pancakes and look back to father, who's just about to speak

"So, what do you think?" Father says, looking at me straight in the eyes with all 3 of his. Did I mention he has 3 eyes? It's kind of weird. And not like a monacle, He litterally has a 3rd eye on his foreheard. I'm still not quite used to it, and I most certainly still get the heebie jeebies when I see it.

"I think... I'll do it." I say, looking back at them, seeing their faces light up. Oh boy.

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