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OK, so basically it's Friday night, and the first outdoor national is tomorrow. So I decided to make a story about Ken's comeback. It's all made up. Kelly didn't quit. But ken is coming back to the motocross season carrying that #1 plate!
I remember the sound of his helmet smacking the bars, and Ralph Shaheens voice erupting on the loud speaker.
"Ken roczen cases the triple!" It got worse from there. As they moved on to the Atlanta track, disaster struck for roczen again. "Were sad to say that Ken Roczen will not be racing tonight, as he was injured during practice."
The fans, given false information about Kenny's return. "I'll be back for Houston." He was a no-show. Finally, we were informed he would be back, for the first outdoor national. Hangtown.
It was only one week, but it seemed like forever. One week of waiting. Sure, plenty of people were returning. Adam Cianciarulo, Wil Hahn, Dean Wilson, and Andrew Short. But Ken's return was the most anticipated. Yet, disaster struck again for the German racer. "Ken Roczens mechanic Kelly, has quit." Those words rung through my head over and over again. Quit. Kelly quit. How was Ken to race, if he had no mechanic?

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