☁️ Trey Alphabet Headcannons ♣️

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Character: Trey Clover

A= Affection, how affectionate are they and how do they show it?

   Trey shows you it almost all the time, and he shows it whether it be through hugs, kisses, time, etc. And yes, baking is one of them!

B= Best friend, how would they be as your best friend, and how did the friendship start?

   He would try to keep you out of trouble, but will let you get into here and there to learn a lesson at the end. As for how you guys met? Well, it's actually pretty simple! Trey was baking a pie and you smelled it so you followed the scent and saw Trey.

C= Cuddles, do they like to cuddle? And if so, how do they cuddle?

   Yeah, Trey likes to cuddle especially if you or him have had a long day. He'll also cuddle in the spooning position or the sweetheart's cradle.

D= Domestic, do they want to settle down, and how are they with cleaning and cooking?

   Are you surprised it's a yes? But yeah, he would like to move in with you, and maybe start a family. So, cooking and baking are different things and Trey is good at baking but not cooking. He knows how to make breakfast food though, and is good at cleaning.

E= Ending, if they had to break up with you, how would they do it?

   Trey would want to sit you down in your dorm or his. Then he'll give you something to eat and drink, and then tell you. He doesn't want to fully beat around the bush so he'll just tell you the news and give you the reason.

F= Fiance, do they feel like they'd want to get married, and how long would it take till they did?

   Again, he would love to settle down and have kids with you, marry you, etc. But it would take maybe several years. He wants to get to know you, and wants to take things semi-slow.

G= Gentle, how gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.

   Yes for both! Always asks for consent and is always wary about how you're feeling! Also, I'm sorry if I got this question wrong, I didn't understand it.

H= Hugs, do they like hugs? And if so, how often do they hug and how do they hug?

   Trey isn't a huge hugger, unlike Floyd, but does occasionally hug you. But that's from him, he likes hugs from family and you, but not from other people. And Trey hugs from behind most of the time, like when you're cooking, or brushing your teeth, etc.

I= I love you, how often do they say "I love you."

   He says it a lot, at least in private.

J= Jealousy, how jealous do they get? And what do they do when they are jealous?

   Trey's pretty chill, so when you're talking a lot to a person he doesn't mind. It only pisses him off when you or the other person gets touchy. When Trey gets jealous though, he'll tell you!

K= Kisses, what are their kisses like, and where do they like to be kissed and kiss you?

   His kisses are quick out in public, but when you two are alone he's a bit more passionate about it. You're fine with it though since you know the meaning behind it. Now when you're kissing him, he likes you to kiss him on the neck or cheek. But when you are being kissed he likes to kiss your lips. I know, kinda basic.

L= Little ones, how good are they with kids?

   He has like, several younger siblings so I say yeah.

M= Morning, what are mornings with them like?

   I say if it's a weekend then he'll cuddle you and just chat with you about what to do that day. However, if it's a school day, then Trey will get up early and make you breakfast!

N= Night, what are nights with them like?

   Similar to how mornings are different depending on if it's a weekday or weekend day. Nights are different too. If it's a weekend you guys order stuff for dinner, and if it's a weekday then you and Trey make something.

O= Open, when do they start talking about themselves? Do they say everything at once or take their time?

   He'll sprinkle some stories here and there, and even before you guys started dating!

P= Patience, how easily angered are they?

   Not very much, at all.

Q= Quizzes, how much do they remember about you? Do they remember everything about you or forget everything?

   Trey remembers everything, name what temperature you like your tea, coffee, etc he can name it!

R= Remember, what's their favorite part in your relationship?

   He loves to remember your first date when you guys had a picnic near the dorm entrance, amongst the heart topiaries. And Trey never told you, but he had to go ask Riddle to have the date there. And for not many people to go through there. It cost Trey an arm and a leg too 👍.

S= Security, how protective are they of you, and how do they like to be protected?

   He isn't very protective but if you were to ever feel uncomfortable, like very visibly uncomfortable. Then that's when he'll get super protective, and take you away from that person. As for Trey, he doesn't like violence so if you ever choose violence to protect Trey, he won't be ecstatic but he'll be semi-proud.

T= Try, how much effort do they put in dates, gifts, etc?

   Trey goes above and beyond! Like, he'll plan almost several weeks prior.

U= Ugly, what are some bad habits of theirs?

   If someone asks you this you couldn't say anything, at least right away. But one is that sometimes he'll wear too much cologne.

V= Vanity, how much do they care about their appearance?

   Not very much. He'll put in effort, but it isn't his top priority.

W= Whole, would they feel incomplete without you?

   Trey says yes to this question every time!

X= Xtra, random relationship headcanon!

   Sometimes on dates Trey will just spew random facts about baking and sometimes cooking.

Y= Yuck, what are some things they don't like in a partner?

   He isn't into people who are super narcissistic, too into drama, y'know, that stuff.

Z= Zzz, what's a sleep habit of theirs?

   He's a light snorer.

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