☁️ Let Me Treat You 🐙

581 10 2

Character: Azul Ashengrotto

CW: Nothing much


   I don't know if Azul likes or hates cats, I have no clue. Also, fellow creatures living on planet earth, go watch Yakuza's Guide To Babysitting! It's a great anime, I know I'm late to the party, but it's good.

.:Reader's POV:.

   "Hey, love!" I said, throwing the chicken around in the bread crumbs. "Hey, Angelfish.." Azul sounded a little bit..upset? It was hard to tell, I wish he was here with me. "Are you alright, Azul?" I asked, Azul sighed "To be honest..no, I have to come home late tonight. We're short staffed tonight, again." Azul said. "I-I can come work tonight! My uniform just got washed." I said, walking towards the stairs. "No, you can just stay home. I'll be home at about eleven." he said, I could hear footsteps, and now the bustling sounds of the Mostro Lounge.

   "Are you sure?" I asked, stopping in my tracks "Yes, don't worry, angelfish." he said. "Alright..just..be careful!" I said, Azul hummed "I will, love you!" he said, hanging up. I put my phone up and looked at the clock, it was eight thirty three. I had enough time to finish tonight's meal and get some other things set up. I looked back at the timer seeing I had around thirty minutes left, so I headed up stairs. I turned on the lights seeing how messy it was, clothes thrown around and such.

   I grabbed the hamper and put the clothes in there, then put the hamper to the side. I then saw the sheets and pillowcases, I could change them out for the ones that smelled of lavender! I took off the sheets and pillowcases and threw them in the hamper along with the clothes. I then walked down the stairs and to the dryer, where I set down the hamper and took out the lavender scented sheets. I struggled a little bit until I heard a meow beneath me, Sebastian. "Oh, hey Sebastian." I said, walking out of the room and to the bedroom.

   Sebastian jumped up onto the bed and meowed, as if barking orders at me, or begging me for food. "Alright Sebastian, I'll get you some food." I said, pulling the last bit of the covers onto the bed. "Come on Sebastian." I said, picking him up and heading downstairs. I put him down and then took the bag out of the drawer, Sebastian continued to meow. "I'm going, I'm going.." I said, putting the cup back in the bag, and putting said bag back. Then the timer rang, the chicken was done.

   I took the chicken out of the oven and set it to the side. Sebastian jumped onto the counter and sniffed the cooked meat. "Sebastian, get down." I said, picking him up and putting him on the couch. I looked at the clock, now it was nine o'six, still a bit of time until Azul got home. I looked over to Sebastian and started petting him, this was sort of calming. I then turned on the TV, seeing what shows I could watch while waiting on Azul.

.:Azul's POV:.

   "I will, love you!" I said as I hung up on Y/N, I sort of regret that decision. If I could, I would sit on call with Y/N for the next few hours, but that would be a distraction. I picked up my pen and continued writing, thinking of Y/N. And I couldn't help but write their name on the document, this isn't the first time it's happened. I sighed and threw out the document, grabbing an extra copy I made in case something like this ever happened. I started writing again until I heard a knock on the door.

   "Come in!" I chimed, in case it was someone coming to make a deal. The door opened and I turned around, it was just Jade. "Oh, hello Jade." I said, continuing to finish my document "I'm guessing Floyd's working outside?" I asked. Jade nodded and took a seat on one of the couches "Yes, I'm on my break so I decided to come here." Jade said. I hummed, finishing my document and checking the activity for the Mostro Lounge. The silence was fine, it's like this almost everyday, at least when Floyd wasn't in here.

   "Azul~!" speak of the devil, Floyd opened the door and walked in, a student by his side. "Oh, Misao Misaki, correct?" I asked "Yes, and I'm here to make a deal." He sounded confident, how interesting. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked, pointing to the couch across from Jade. "Of course not! In fact I'll take a seat myself." I said, Jade getting up and standing beside Floyd. Misao took his coat off, and like on cue, Jade went and took it, putting it on the coat hanger in the corner. "Ah, thank you, Jade." me and the twins rarely interacted with Misao, and if we did it was probably just a few words!

   "Anyways, I'd like to make a deal with you, Azul." Misao said as he brushed some of his black hair from his eyes. "A deal with me? Alright then." I said, looking at the clock, it was nine. "So, how about this? If you get me these special plants from the Coral Sea, I'll..supply you, Azul, with some of my products!" I hummed, looking at the list of plants on the table. "What do you think, Jade? Does it look plausible?" I asked, handing it to Jade. He hummed and read the list, handing it back to me before smiling. "Yes! They all are quite common to find, except for two." Jade said.

   "Unfortunately, of course, I would make a potion to get it myself, but I'm a bit too caught up with orders!" he cheered, crossing his legs. "And I'll repay you in the ingredients you used, and more." he added, I hummed and pulled out a contract. "Alright, just sign on the line, and we'll get you those plants." I said, putting the contract on the table. Misao didn't hesitate, he took out his pen, its purple gem shining, and started writing down his signature. "Happy to do business with you!" he chimed, smiling before standing up and taking his coat from the rack. "Anyways, have a lovely night, you three!" Misao said as he took his leave.

   "Well, back to work I guess." I said, standing up and looking at the twins. "Funny fact, the Lounge isn't that busy tonight!" Floyd said, as he plopped himself on the couch. "So I was thinking..why don't some of us go back to our rooms early?" Floyd asked, I looked outside and saw about ten people in the Lounge. That's not much compared to the twenty or so, plus the Lounge was about to close, and I missed Y/N. "Fine, I don't see why not I guess." I said, shrugging. "Nice, cya later Azul~!" Floyd said as he left the room.

   Jade followed me out and turned off the lights "We're going back early..Mori, you're in charge." I said, he nodded. Me and the twins exited the Mostro Lounge, and soon went our separate ways. "Bye Azul!" Floyd said, waving to me, Jade behind him also waving. I smiled and waved back before looking at my watch, it was now ten. It wasn't that early, but it was still early. I soon reached the mirror and went through.

   I was in the mirror hall, now heading towards Ramshackle, it was a hike. I knew the walk to Ramshackle was a long one, but not this long. I finally reached the gate to Ramshackle, it was open, nobody really cared to close and or lock it, and I knew it. Plus, I was welcomed there so I was able to come through whenever. I knocked, knowing everybody was already asleep, but tried anyway. I was wrong however, Yuu ended up at the door.

.:Narrator's POV:.

   "Oh, hey Azul." Yuu said, opening the door a little bit more for Azul to come in. "Good evening Yuu." said the silver haired male while taking off his coat. "Hey, Yuu, is Y/N here?" Azul asked, putting his coat up on the rack beside the door. "Yeah, they went up to their room about..maybe an hour ago?" Yuu thought for a moment and Azul nodded. "Thank you, Yuu." he said, heading up the stairs, and up to Y/N's room. Azul knocked once he finally reached the room, "Y/N? Love, I'm back!" Azul said, it was like a whisper.

   Azul waited, but no response, he then knocked again. "Y/N?" he asked, nothing. "Hey, I'm coming in!" Azul said, twisting the knob and entering Y/N's room. He then saw Y/N, sleeping and cuddling with Sebastian. Azul chuckled a bit before sitting down on the bed. "I missed you, love.." he said, brushing a bit of Y/N's hair away from their face.

   "Y-Your back..?" Y/N asked, getting up and rubbing their eyes. "Yeah, and on time too!" Azul said "I have dinner in the fridge, I used the new kitchen installments!" Y/N chimed. Ramshackle was slowly getting refurbished, but no thanks to that lazy crow. "Alright, thanks!" Azul said, getting up and heading for the door. "Hey, have you eaten yet Y/N?" Azul asked, looking back at them. "No, I guess I forgot." YN said, Azul hummed, "I can treat you then!" he said, smiling.

Word count: 1567

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