☁️ Jack Alphabet Headcannons 🐺

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A= Affection, how affectionate are they and how do they show it?

   If you're lucky, you'll get an occasional hug! But overall it's maybe just some hand holding.

B= Best friend, how would they be as your best friend, and how did the friendship start?

   Jack would just be really caring, but just like in game, would just give a whole different reason for being like that. As for how you two became friends, I feel like you two just met each other while playing sports or something, idk.

C= Cuddles, do they like to cuddle? And if so, how do they cuddle?

   Jack secretly loves it, and loves cuddling in the "Loosely Tethered" pose.

D= Domestic, do they want to settle down, and how are they with cleaning and cooking?

   Jack would like to settle down with you someday, but that's all he really knows. But as for cooking and cleaning he's ok at it, both of them.

E= Ending, if they had to break up with you, how would they do it?

   He would tell you in private like in his room or something, and he'd just tell you. He doesn't want to hurt you more than he already is.

F= Fiance, do they feel like they'd want to get married, and how long would it take till they did?

   Never occurred to him, he likes taking things step by step.

G= Gentle, how gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.

   He's pretty gentle both ways!

H= Hugs, do they like hugs? And if so, how often do they hug and how do they hug?

   He loves them but won't give them to you often. When you give him them however, he loves them too! But will push you away after a few seconds, like ten or so.

I= I love you, how often do they say "I love you."

   He will say it a bit, but like almost everything else, has to have a different reason behind saying it.

J= Jealousy, how jealous do they get? And what do they do when they are jealous?

   Not very often. But when he does he will just kinda glare at the person he's jealous of. He won't admit he is jealous either until a few hours later too.

K= Kisses, what are their kisses like, and where do they like to be kissed and kiss you?

   If Jack does kiss you, it will be if you're upset. He just wants to cheer you up!

L= Little ones, how good are they with kids?

   He has a little brother and sister that are athletic like him, and I just have a feeling they would do something together like go for a run or something like that. But overall I would say he's pretty good. He knows the basics of looking after kids, and can make them happy and such.

M= Morning, what are mornings with them like?

   Most of the time it's him either waking you up to go exercise, or him outside exercising.

N= Night, what are nights with them like?

   You two hanging out and cuddling after a hard day. Simple as that.

O= Open, when do they start talking about themselves? Do they say everything at once or take their time?

   It'll take some time to know Jack, but after a while you will get to know some of his home life!

P= Patience, how easily angered are they?

   I mean..it's only when someone does something such as cutting corners and such does he get sort of mad.

Q= Quizzes, how much do they remember about you? Do they remember everything about you or forget everything?

   He doesn't remember everything exactly, but he gets close.

R= Remember, what's their favorite part in your relationship?

   He's enjoyed seeing you improve in your athletic ability! When you two exercise in the morning and such, he enjoys giving you tips and helping you out a bit!

S= Security, how protective are they of you, and how do they like to be protected?

   Jack's not very protective over you actually, he trusts you can handle yourself, but if you're in serious danger he will step in. And as for if he needs to be protected? Well.

T= Try, how much effort do they put in dates, gifts, etc?

   I feel like Jack would just give you your own little cactus' so you two can have a little cactus family together!

U= Ugly, what are some bad habits of theirs?

   A lot of people say Jack's too strict, but you think he's fine!

V= Vanity, how much do they care about their appearance?

   Not very much, at all.

W= Whole, would they feel incomplete without you?

   Yeah, he feels like without you he wouldn't be as motivated with certain things.

X= Xtra, random relationship headcanon!

   Jack will sometimes make pear compote ice cream for you both after a long hard day!

Y= Yuck, what are some things they don't like in a partner?

   Jack's not fond of people who cut corners often, he believes you need to work to earn certain things.

Z= Zzz, what's a sleep habit of theirs?

   He's not a heavy snorer, but he snores.

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