☁️ Floyd Alphabet Headcannons 🌀

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Character: Floyd Leech

A= Affection, how affectionate are they and how do they show it?

   I mean..it's Floyd. So of course he's affectionate! Another "shocker" he loves showing you affection through hugging you.

B= Best friend, how would they be as your best friend, and how did the friendship start?

   Him as your best friend would basically be like being friends with a nine year old with mood swings. And the friendship started by you two working at the Mostro Lounge!

C= Cuddles, do they like to cuddle? And if so, how do they cuddle?

   Of course he does, he likes doing it whenever he has freetime. And Floyd likes to cuddle in the Honeymoon position, he likes being close to you.

D= Domestic, do they want to settle down, and how are they with cleaning and cooking?

   Floyd doesn't really know, he's on the fence about it. And cooking and cleaning? He's there..he's alright. Better at doing the opposite though.

E= Ending, if they had to break up with you, how would they do it?

   Floyd would do it in private, and would just be blunt about it. He's not that much of a monster to do it in public.

F= Fiance, do they feel like they'd want to get married, and how long would it take till they did?

   If someone asked Floyd this, he would say yes in a heartbeat. He loves you to the moon and back! And he's asked the question of, when you two can, get married!

G= Gentle, how gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.

   Physically, not so much. However, what he lacks in being gentle physically, he sort of makes up for in being gentle emotionally!

H= Hugs, do they like hugs? And if so, how often do they hug and how do they hug?

   It's Floyd. What do you think?

I= I love you, how often do they say "I love you."

   He tells you this almost everyday at some point or another.

J= Jealousy, how jealous do they get? And what do they do when they are jealous?

   It all depends! But he will mostly get jealous when someone's getting a little too touchy with you.

K= Kisses, what are their kisses like, and where do they like to be kissed and kiss you?

   Floyd's kisses are basically like little pecks, and he likes to kiss you mostly on the lips or neck. While for him he prefers lips.

L= Little ones, how good are they with kids?

   I mean, he might know the basics, but he seems like the type to just let his kid have fun almost 24/7.

M= Morning, what are mornings with them like?

   Sometimes it might be that he wants to cuddle you, others it might be him half on the bed and half floor!

N= Night, what are nights with them like?

   Sometimes you two have little movie dates, or Floyd will book an after hour date for the Mostro Lounge.

O= Open, when do they start talking about themselves? Do they say everything at once or take their time?


P= Patience, how easily angered are they?

   It all depends, you know the drill for this man.

Q= Quizzes, how much do they remember about you? Do they remember everything about you or forget everything?

   He remembers a lot! He loves you, so he pays attention to what you like and such. But he can forget a few things however, maybe like one or three.

R= Remember, what's their favorite part in your relationship?

   He likes it when you visit him while he's working at the Mostro Lounge! He just appreciates it.

S= Security, how protective are they of you, and how do they like to be protected?

   Very, and he doesn't need that much protection. Just saying.

T= Try, how much effort do they put in dates, gifts, etc?

   He puts in a normal amount of effort, it's nothing fancy and it's nothing super cheap.

U= Ugly, what are some bad habits of theirs?

   Biting nails, I don't know, just seems like something he would do.

V= Vanity, how much do they care about their appearance?

   He cares, but not by a ton. Y'know?

W= Whole, would they feel incomplete without you?

   You and Jade make him whole so yes.

X= Xtra, random relationship headcanon!

   Floyd will sneak you some leftovers from the Mostro Lounge.

Y= Yuck, what are some things they don't like in a partner?

   A vanilla partner, again, someone who will try NOTHING.

Z= Zzz, what's a sleep habit of theirs?

   He'll snore, but not loudly. 

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