❤️‍🩹 Them Reacting To Your Danganronpa Execution Headcannons 🌹, ♣️, ♦️, ♥️, ♠️

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Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade

CW: Killing, Execution, Death, Crying, Yelling, Depression


   I'm not gonna make a custom execution for each one cause I'm to lazy, just pick your favorite one from the game or one that you know of. Yes, I understand nobody asked for this but me. 😀


   ・Before you were sent off he was silent. He knew all the evidence pointed to you, and you killed someone. Yet he wanted to defend you.

   ・During the execution he was crying, hard. He kept yelling your name too, along with repeating it under his breath.

   ・Once you were dead he yelled your name one final time, making everyone look at him.

   ・After the trial he literally tried to burn Monokuma and the trial grounds to ashes.

   ・The way Riddle would cope with you being gone would be him being more strict on everybody, and mostly because he just wanted to keep them safe!


   ・He was in denial that you did it, he didn't want to believe it, but everything pointed to you.

​   ・​While watching your execution he just watched, mainly because so many things were racking through his brain.

   ・Once you were dead, he just collapsed and started crying. This was one of the only times people have seen Trey this upset.

   ・When people were leaving the execution area he just stayed there, continuing to cry. Once he left though, he just returned to him room

   ・The way he was after your execution was just him not being as..caring? He wasn't like a parent anymore basically.


   ・He tried to ask you if it wasn't true, so just like Trey, he was in denial.

   ・During your execution he finally accepted that you were guilty, and he just watched. Also, he didn't realize it, but he was crying too.

   ・When you were dead, he just yelled your name and shook the gate that separates both you and the execution grounds.

   ・When your execution was over, he RAN. He knelt down next to you or near the place you died, and just started holding you.

   ・Once everyone got Cater to leave the execution grounds, and you. He just returned to his room, nobody really heard from him that much until something drastic happened.

   ・Cater was basically even more depressed once you were gone. Simple as that.


   ・Ace just kept saying that there was a mistake, that you didn't do it. So basically, he was in denial, like everybody else.

   ・During your execution he tried to help you out of it, or break in to save you! But on the other hand, he knew Monokuma would probably make your execution more painful.

   ・When you died Ace just stood there, he was in shock, he didn't cry, scream, nothing. He just stood there realizing you were gone.

   ・Once your execution was over, he just left with everyone else. He didn't really know how to react, he knew you were gone though.

   ・He coped by taking your stuff for your room into his. It just comforted him!


   ・He didn't know how to react. He didn't know if he was disappointed in you or not. I mean, you killed someone, but he understood why you did.

   ・During your execution he did break into the execution grounds, but was soon apprehended by Monokuma.

   ・So basically, Monokuma just held Deuce, making him watch your execution. So once you died, and he was let go, he ran to you. He tried to see if you had a bit of life still in you, but you didn't. He just cried there, cursing Monokuma.

   ・When the execution was over he tried to kill Monokuma! 😃

   ・The way Deuce coped with you being gone was just by doing stuff in your honor. So if you liked a certain flower, he would plant it somewhere, if he could. 

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