Devastating Loss With A Bit Of Bullying

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"Good job Mudkip. Come back."

Jotaro called Mudkip back to its pokeball before glaring at the kid he had just beaten, who was crying and hugging his poor Zigzagoon.

"I beat your ass as I said I would. Now pay up, kid."

He demanded, reaching out to take 50 pokedollars from the child.

"Don't try and stop me again."

Jotaro said before continuing on his way.

After spending a night in Odale town, Jotaro was now heading towards Petalburg city through route 102. He had heard that there was a gym there and wanted to get his first gym badge, but these dumbass trainers had to keep challenging him into battles.

He didn't mind that too much, however, since he earned experience and money out of the battles even if they were starting to get rather frustrating due to how many small children were out here trying to battle him.

It didn't take him too long to reach Petalburg city, which had him wondering how this place was called a city as it was almost as small as Odale town, with only three houses present.

The first thing Jotaro did was to enter a Pokecenter to heal up his pokemon that had been fighting throughout route 102. Both Mudkip and Poochyena were exhausted without a doubt, and so was Jotaro, but he wanted to get the gym challenge done with before he took a break.

He walked up to the counter where he saw a lady standing with her back turned.

"Hey, could you uhh..."

Jotaro had to pause to register that this lady was the exact same one from the last pokecenter once the lady turned to look at him. The elegant pink hair with black dots was the same, and so were those soulless eyes with dark bags underneath.

"What is it?"

She rudely asked, leaning on the counter, glaring at Jotaro with an annoyed expression as Jotaro kept his silence for a few seconds, trying to decide whether he should question it or not.

"My pokemon need healing."

Jotaro said, handing "Nurse Diavolo" Mudkip and Poochyena's pokeballs.

With a sigh Diavolo took Jotaro's balls, placing them in the healing machine.

"Do you know anything about the gym leader here? Their team type... Or maybe the pokemon in their team..?"

Jotaro hesitantly asked, seeming a bit taken aback when Diavolo glared at him with that same annoyed expression, making it clear that he was being a bother.

"It's ok if you don-"

"His name is Yoshikage Kira. Turn right when you get out and you'll see his gym."

Diavolo very vaguely explained before handing Jotaro's balls back once the healing machine let out that joyful chime.

"Goodbye. We hope to see you again."

She said, giving Jotaro a very fake smile as her eyelid twitched, which was enough to get Jotaro moving without saying another word.

Jotaro followed the path Diavolo had told him to, eventually ending up in front of a big building with an orange rooftop that had a distinct sign in front of it to show that it was indeed a gym.

He quickly went into the building to see a huge indoor arena that was mostly grey and white with boring white lighting, signifying the fact that this place was a normal type gym.

The floors were white tiles, making the place look both dull as well as technologically advanced and futuristic. There were bronze pillars running up to the ceiling from the walls to add a bit of color, and a Pokeball mark in the middle of the arena that divided it into two.

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