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Sebastian's (POV):

For three whole days Darren didn't talk to me unless we were filming something for the group channel. After what happened during that life size jenga he's been mad at me. The thing about it, I shouldn't care about him not ever speaking to me again I've got a recording of his voice on my phone admitting his feelings for me I could just end the bet right now.  — even after he admitting his feelings my heart was twisting in knots. It was too late to turn back now though I just had to win this bet and it'll all be over with, as far as Darren goes I don't know if I'll be able to live with myself if I continued dating him knowing —.

"Sebastian I think we need to have a serious talk."

Ryan said knocking on my door locking it behind him a malevolent smile on his face. I don't know why the hell him and Oliver are up to, but they should really stop butting in when none of this involved them. I was even more upset Oliver would go out of his way to tell Ryan, fucking Ryan of all people. Ryan took a seat on my bed leaning back swinging legs as he looked up at me.

"Look I'm going to get right to the point here and not waste your time. —- I know about the bet between you and Justin, but I won't expose you there's no fun in that I just wanted you to know. Me and Oliver know about your wager, but I won't say anything about it. Just do me a favor and keep this between us, I just want to pay the favor back ten folds. You have already fucked up with Darren so there's no need of really threatening to expose you in front of everyone your going to end up doing it yourself— when the time comes."

Ryan said nonchalantly leaning back in the chair putting his head behind his head resting comfortably. I was so confused about how either  of them found out .. I knew Oliver eavesdropped, but could of been possible Ryan had been coming up when Oliver left? Or did he follow Oliver up to the roof? Feeling slightly nervous about what Ryan was really planning, he was the biggest instigator in the house and he said he wasn't interested in exposing me. Ryan suddenly started chuckling swinging his feet off of the chair shaking his head punching the bridge of his nose.

"Look I see the way you act when you are around Darren despite how "good" you think your hiding it I can see right through you. I've got no interest honestly in exposing you, because once you tell Darren about that pretty little bet you made he'll never ever forgive you."

Ryan said rising from his chair smiling down at me the smirk playing at his lips was rubbing me the wrong way. Sadly the reason was, because he was right eventually wether I wanted to or whether I liked the idea lying to Darren like this was really making it hard for me even when I trying to act as if I don't care.

I'm to deep ... can't turn back now...

We had a ad shoot with Nike and since Tyler suddenly fell ill he couldn't attend this shoot with us, but of course he left his favorite pet in charge. As we started to get ready to film the ad I tried my best avoiding Darren now, even though he was already avoiding me to avoid having to spill anything about the bet I'll just secretly watch him, Ryan, and Oliver to make sure that no one says anything about the bet. Looking over at Justin who didn't have an inkling that he was also being set up. I wanted to tell him, but that might just make Ryan expose me even out of spite. So there was no hope in telling him, I had to fix this by myself.

"Alright boys the first shot will be showing you guys the first shot will individual! So the first to go up will be ... Kane .. your first up."

The director Perry Delgotto said looking down on his keyboard then at Kane's name tag. Realizing this might take a while I took a seat next to Regie hoping that watching Ryan from here would be easy, but as soon as I looked up Ryan had disappeared. Looking around frantically nervous that he'd already gone to tell Darren even though he said he wouldn't. I felt so paranoid and scared that I couldn't sit still, my leg was shaking violently as my eyes wondered across the room. Jumping up nervously walking to the dressing rooms when I heard a gasp and Darren yell something. Rushing to the back rooms throwing the door open taken aback to see Ryan showing Darren a something on his phone.

"What the hell are you two up to?"

I said calmly leaning forward trying to see what Ryan was showing Darren, but I couldn't see clearly from where I'm standing. Rushing over I snatched the phone out of his hand giving Darren a side glance before looking down at the phone my jaw dropped to the floor to see that these two were just watching Regie's Snapchat.

"Dam bro, what the fuck is your problem?"

Darren said snatching the phone back handing it over to Ryan. He pushed my back rolling his eyes as he passed me all I could do was stare at Ryan in disbelief as he just started to laugh hysterically as if someone had told the most hilarious joke. There was no time to pummel him, I needed to get Darren to stay the hell away from him.

"Darren!!! Darren!!"

I said running after him grabbing for his hand to get him to stop, but he snatched his hand away before I could even brush my fingers agains it. He turned around staring at me with a look of pure disgust before turning back and walking into his dressing room. Following after him no longer wanting to ask nicely since he wanted to act like this I'll adjust his attitude properly. Shutting the door behind me locking it stripping out of my jacket as I walked over to him. Grabbing him by his hair pinning him down from behind tying my jacket around his arms so he couldn't move even if he tried and grabbing a clean pair of socks and shoving them into his mouth so he couldn't scream.

"I won't let you go until you here me out, so quit with the attitude or must I ask more strongly."

I said leaning down on top of him gripping his hair more tightly lifting his head up so he could see that I'm being dead serious with him. Dammit! This felt like the first time I'd decided to take on Justin's stupid bet, I should of just left well enough alone.

"Don't you think you should apologize for being so cruel to me for three whole days."

I said caressing his neck tenderly slowly wrapping my fingers around his neck watching as he started to blush. There was no time I had to hurry we were running out of time I needed to straighten this now! Turning him over ripping the sock from his mouth then smashing my lips onto his holding us his chin as I caressed his tongue with mine. I could no longer stay away from him, he needed to be protected and only I could do it.

"Darren, I don't want you —  alone with him anymore, I'm not sure —  I trust him  —  around you. Just trust me on this."

I said panting trying hard to catch my breath and talk to him. There was no way Ryan was telling him anything and I wasn't going to either it's best that he doesn't know the truth, he'll only get hurt.

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