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Darren's (POV):

Oliver had gathered everyone into the living room after filming so we could tell them everything. I wasn't going to lie I felt nervous, they probably was going to think we were fucking with them. Luckily me and Justin went to get a ultrasound during our checkup and had them record it. Even then it was nerve wrecking to stand in front of them and tell them that Sebastian knocked me up.  Maybe we should just wait a week or two maybe  that'll be better because right now doesn't seem like a good time — we should really just wait a little —

"Darren, I know your scared but we have to do this they deserve to know. Justin and Oliver are you ready?"

Sebastian said grabbing my chin pulling me close to him his lips inches from mine as he stared into my eyes reassuring me everything would be ok. He turned to Justin and Oliver who looked more than ready to announce our pregnancies. Tyler walked into the room leaning up against Ryan's chair with his arms crossed and I could feel the tension within the room rising.

" Darren and I have been dealing with this for months now, he was dealing with it for longer than me but we felt like now was the time to tell you guys. We both went to the doctor in the Philippians and that's why we weren't around as much and we didn't find this out until we accidentally met up at the hospital —"

"Well we just wanted you guys to know this because it's important that everyone know that — Justin and  I are — pregnant."

I said holding up my ultrasound and the way the silence fell I didn't know what to think. The boys were just looking around in disbelief and it was fair because at first I didn't believe it either. Handing them me and a Justin's ultrasound practically having to rip Justin's from his hands as he became awkward.

"Look we even filmed it to —"

"This has to be a joke?"

"There's no way you guys are —"


"Yep they are indeed pregnant, I know this may come as a shock to you but it's a very rare thing to be born with female reproductive system and be a male. It hasn't happened over thirty five years I think, your friends are the first two males to get pregnant since the most interesting thing is they can be impregnated by either a male or female. Justin being in his second trimester and Darren is getting ready to be in his second trimester it's amazing they've been able to get this far. I've monitored they're health with the help of a doctor in the Philippines making sure the baby's get here healthy and safely."

Dr. Mason said happily holding up a pamphlet then sitting it down on his desk. Tyler who's mouth was still on the floor hadn't said a word yet. They all looked as if they'd seen a ghost, but now that they all knew it was good because now we didn't have to tip toe around them. Nodding my head wanting privacy with the boys knowing they had lots of questions. Dr. Mason nodded back and smiled sheepishly as he waved goodbye and hung up the phone.

"Bro what the world?!! I genuinely never thought this would be possible!"

Kane said grabbing the ultrasound pictures from Tyler who was still trying to look at them. Instead of him snatching them back he thumped Kane in the middle of his forehead then snatched it back. Kane gave him a hurt expression before taking a seat in between Darren and Justin running hands over Justin's stomach then mine. Sitting back watching as they stared at us then at our stomachs reaching out to touch them rubbing our shoulders.

"Wait who's — who's the mother? Father?"

Regie asked looking over at the ultrasound then back at me a smile slowly rising on his face. He was absolutely adorable when he smiled, I knew my baby would be happy especially with Regie around.

"Well ... Sebastian is the father of my baby aaand —"

I said happily smiling as I looked over at Sebastian turning my head back over toward Justin so he could  tell everyone the news, but he just stared out into the space as if he were looking through them. Looking over at Ryan who was out of his chair now walking over to Justin.

"Ah ~ well ~ the father is Oliver, yeah it happened so fast. That's why I've been just hanging around with him a lot."

Justin said nervously rubbing the back of his head smiling, but I could see that he was trying to avoid Ryan's eyes that hadn't left him. Had Justin not told Ryan about the baby? Why else would he lie about this? Walking over to Justin grabbing his wrist dragging him into the kitchen Oliver, and Sebastian followed behind us closely. 

"Justin I thought you said you'd told him, what the hell is going on?"

I said  shaking him wanting to know what was going on with him. Something must of happened for him to want to lie, it was obvious had Ryan said something? Justin pulled away from me walking over to Oliver who looked down at him with an awkward smile.

"Look Oliver just —"

"I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I'm kind of curious now. I guess I wasn't the only one you were fucking around with when you and Sebastian made that dumb bet. Well it doesn't matter anyways you've been so loose lately i haven't been wanting to even touch you."

Ryan said walking over to Justin and Oliver, of course Oliver blocked off Ryan's path protecting Justin. Ryan scoffed throwing his hands up in the air taking a few steps back chuckling to softly. Grabbing Sebastian pulling him close to me wanting him to stay out of this, knowing he'd try to solve it himself. Things could turn for the worse, but no matter what it was for them to solve Olly could handle it that's why we trusted him as a leader. Ryan started laughing hysterically running his hands through his hair looking over at Justin then at Oliver.

"You know Oliver I commend you on taking on this responsibility, but can you honestly say your the father of this baby when we both were sleeping with him around the same time. This one he's very good at spreading his legs and not knowing how to keep them closed."

Ryan said in a vicious tone looking over at Justin staring into his eyes. Justin's eyes started to water and I could tell this wasn't rubbing Oliver the right way. Stepping forward wanting to tell Ryan off for saying such a thing to Justin being harsher than necessary, but Sebastian held out his arm shaking his head. Sighing I watched as Oliver jacked Ryan up
slamming him against the cabinet doors the coldness in his eyes was something I'd never seen before.

"I trust him, I know the baby is mine so I'd you want to make assumptions then keep them to yourself. Oh yeah and Ryan don't you ever ever in your life disrespect Justin in front of me or I'll make you regret it."

Oliver sneered pushing Ryan into the cabinet letting him go. He took Justin's hand pulling him into his arms holding him tightly whispering sweet things in his ear. We hadn't even noticed that Regie, Kane, And Tyler were standing at the door watching us in shock.

"Well congratulations, once a slut always a slut."

Ryan said waving as he left the kitchen disappearing around the corner. Justin gripped onto Oliver's shirt to keep him from chasing after him knowing it would do no good.

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