| Chapter 6 |

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February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

It was a cold morning, Minnie was in the usual park while she was waiting for Miyeon.

It was Valentine's Day and she wanted to spend it with the only person she loved, even if hers was a one-sided love.

While she was waiting for Miyeon, Minnie decided to organize a surprise for the eldest, so she decided to call Bambam to ask for his cooperation.

"Hey Min! What makes you call me so early?" Bambam asked.

"Hey Bam, I need some advice! I want to surprise Miyeon and invite her to spend this day with me. Can you give me some advice?" Minnie answered, Bambam on the other line of the phone laughed at the tenderness of the youngest.

"Sure, why don't you write a letter to Miyeon? You've known each other for many years and it shows that you love each other. Why don't you consider declaring yourself?" Bambam suggested, Minnie blushed.

"Bam I would love to, but I don't have the courage and then I'm afraid that she might refuse me, if this were to ruin our friendship, my life would fall apart. Miyeon represents the only joy received from this life full of pain and if I were to lose her too, I would prefer not to continue living." said Minnie, the only thought of it causing unbearable pain in her heart.

"Write that letter anyway, you'll give it to her when you feel ready. For today I suggest you take her up the hill beyond the park near your house, at 8.30pm there will be fireworks. She will definitely like them." proposed Bambam.

"Okay, thanks Bam. You're the best!" Minnie answered

"You're welcome, you know you can always count on me. Write that letter okay? I love you Min." Bambam said

"Okay Bam, I'll try. I love you too." concluded Minnie, hanging up.

After the call with Bambam, Minnie kept thinking about the letter to Miyeon.

Strangely, the raven knew exactly what to write in that letter, she just needed to enter all the words that crossed her mind every time she saw or thought of the oldest.

After twenty minutes, Miyeon arrived and said goodbye to Minnie.

"Hey Min! Everything is alright? You look very thoughtful!" Miyeon asked.

"Uh? Oh yeah, all right." Minnie answered.

"Yeon...Do you have plans for tonight?" Minnie asked as bravely as she could.

"Uhm......No, today I'm free. Why?" Miyeon replied.

Minnie began playing with her fingers to ease the tension.

"Tonight at 8.00pm meet me at the hill behind the park ok?" Minnie said.

"All right!" Miyeon answered, showing a smile to the taller that she reciprocated.

The two friends went to school and spent their school day as usual.

The more Minnie looked at Miyeon the more she thought about her letter that she would write about her, the older was always kind to her and helped her whenever Minnie needed it.

It was 5.30pm, it had only been an hour since the two friends had left school.

Minnie was sitting at the desk in her bedroom, she had locked herself inside it to prevent her father from breaking into the room and creating more problems.

On the desk there were a blank sheet of paper, a pen and some seeds.

Minnie started thinking about every moment she had with her best friend and writing down every word that came to mind.

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