6 - The Stars

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6 - The Stars

Michael tried to stay in his room as much as possible. Now that they were on Luke's ship, he was glad his room was a little bigger than the previous one he had on Ashton's ship.

But it was still nothing close to what he was used to back at home. It was still a small, swaying room that really only held a bed, cabinet, and a chair.

So it wasn't a surprise that Michael's boredom finally won and took over, resulting in the emerald treasure silently opening his door and walking onto the deck of the ship.

It was late at night. All the men were asleep down in the sleeping corridor...at least that's what Michael had thought.

He placed his hands down on the edge of the ship, hesitantly looking down at the dark ocean. He's been surrounded by the ocean his entire life, but he had never been in the middle of it. It was a scary thing, being stuck in a deep body of water full of creatures and sneaking pirates.

"And what are you looking at, treasure?"

Michael jumped slightly at the sudden voice behind him, making him turn around to see the captain of the ship—Luke—there.

"Umm..." Michael fumbled nervously, "I-I...Nothing. I just—"

"Calm down." Luke cracked an entertained grin, "It's but a simple question."

Michael remained quiet. He didn't trust Luke. He made him nervous. Out of everyone, the only one Michael could trust even just a little bit would be Ashton.

"I-I'll just go back to my room."

Michael was going to start moving, but Luke's next words caught him off guard, "Aww so no company for me tonight? I thought I'd have someone to look at the stars with."

"The stars?" Michael hesitantly asked, tilting his head up and widening his eyes when he saw how bright they looked that night.

"They're quite magnificent out here at this hour." Luke grinned, looking up at the stars as well.

"I've never seen such...beauty before." Michael said in awe.

Luke looked from the stars and back towards Michael, smiling as he watched the treasure watch the stars, "I have..."

Michael missed the comment said under Luke's breathe, being memorized with the stars instead.

"I love shiny, valuable things."

"Do you suppose stars have value then?" Michael looked back at Luke, surprised that the pirate was looking right at him instead of the stars in the night sky.

"Who knows? Suppose they do. But they're not the type of treasure I usually go for."

"And what treasure do you usually go for?"

"Silver, gold, coins, jewels...I don't have any emeralds. I'll just have to add one to my collection."

"Please...I just don't wish to die."

Luke felt his heart break when he saw the pure worry and fear in Michael's green eyes. It was so raw and deep that it made Luke react without really thinking about what he was doing before jumping into action.

Luke reached out and grabbed Michael's hands gently into his own, stepping comfortably forward, "You won't die, treasure. You won't even get a hair plucked from your pretty little head with me watching over you."

Michael felt his heart increase when he felt Luke's touch and heard his words of affirmation. Was Luke going to help him like Ashton was? Were they really going to promise him protection instead of death?

"Thank you..."

"It's no problem, treasure."

Luke didn't know why he was acting like this. He was suddenly being soft and caring towards the other man when Michael was supposed to be just an addition to his valuable things.

But just like how Ashton was feeling—unknown to Luke—Luke was wanting to take care of and protect the treasure now rather than use him and hurt him.

Michael was a soft, pretty little thing. He was innocent; Luke knew the emerald wouldn't make it without protection. So Luke was now prepared to give that to him and he had no real idea as to why.


Whatchu think about the cute lil Muke moment? 🥰❤️


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