10 - Sea Life

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10 - Sea Life

The day after his kiss with Michael, Ashton didn't miss a new look of darkness within Calum's eyes.

The brunette pirate laid a glare on him ever since they were reunited for the day as captains alongside Luke. Ashton noticed how the glare never faltered either.

He wasn't going to comment on it. Ashton didn't care about what other people thought about him unless it was his precious dove.

At the thought of his dove, Ashton walked away from the table in Luke's captain's courters where they were all hovered over a large map talking about possible destinations for answers about Michael.

Ashton walked towards the nearest window from the courter that looked onto the deck of the ship. He smiled lightly, crossing his arms when he saw Michael with his hands on the rails of the ship looking out into the ocean. He was probably looking for sea life like Ashton has taught him how to do.

"Will you stop gawking at the emerald already and at least pretend you're helping?"

Ashton turned around, seeing Calum's heightened glare that made the hazel eyed captain narrow his eyes in anger. He was over the other man's attitude already.

"What is your issue?" He asked viciously, nearing the table again in order to face Calum without any fear. He wasn't scared of the pirate, even if he knew about the man's reputation of being the most violent as they came.

"My issue is that I saw exactly what you had planned for emerald last night. You're corrupting him."

Ashton scoffed, "Corrupting him? Since when did you care about Michael? Especially to the point where you're stalking him and watching his every move?"

"I don't trust you with him." Calum deadpanned with violence burning from within, "And you proved my point last night."

"So is anyone going to fill me in on what happened?" Luke cut in confused.

"Why don't you tell him what you did?" Calum basically spit out, making Ashton glare at him. 

"The two of us had a nice dinner and talked...Then we kissed."

"What?" Luke basically shouted, his eyes widening in shock.

"Ashton is not to be trusted with the emerald alone."

Ashton's eyes narrowed at the man before he scoffed once again when he saw something new in the man before him. Jealously.

"All you're trying to do here, Calum, is to cover your jealously with hostility. The only reason as to why you're so angered is because I kissed him first and you did not."

"That's ridiculous."

"Oh is it?" Ashton asked sarcastically, "So the most violent pirate in the sea doesn't change into a soft, caring protector of the precious treasure?"

Calum stayed silent, proving Ashton's point.

"Both of you need to stop." Luke cut in, making the two captains lay their focus on the blonde man, "You're probably confusing him and pulling on his innocent strings. You'll only end up hurting him. And I won't allow for him to get hurt again. I promised him so."

"For Christ's sake." Calum growled out, "You care for him as well?"

"What?" Luke tried to act like he was wrong. But the two could see through the obvious lie, "You're absurd."

"It's no longer the battle for the treasure. It's now the battle for the treasure's heart." Ashton said, "And I don't have any plans on losing."

"We still need to figure out his story. As to why he's so special." Calum crossed his arms, trying to ignore what Ashton just said.

"We know why he's so special." Luke grinned slyly, "He's an innocent soul. He shines wherever he goes, warming the darkest of souls. His emerald green eyes glimmer in the sun like the stars shine in the dark sky. He's perfect...He's beautiful."

"The three of us might believe so, but he was still declared special for some other reason. We need to figure out what that reason was. Who knows who else might be out there wanting to acquire the treason."

"I won't let anyone hurt him. The Sparrow got too close. That will never happen again." Ashton promised.

"For once we can agree on something." Luke grinned cheekily.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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