8 - Pirates

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8 - Pirates

Michael let Calum gently guide him out, sniffling when they exited the building.

"What happened?" Ashton asked concerned, following Luke towards the two.

"The Sparrow is dead." Calum dead-panned, "We need to leave before someone finds him and comes after us."

"What?" Luke's eyes widened, quickly following the quickly walking Calum while he kept guiding Michael, refusing to let go of his gentle hold on the innocent man.

"Why?" Ashton asked, also following.

"He touched emerald. I won't allow it."

"What do you mean he touched emerald?" Ashton asked sternly, softly grabbing Michael's arm to stop him from walking with Calum. Ashton and Luke peered into the red, glossy eyes that were desperately trying to stop crying. It didn't take long for them to notice the bruising on the pale man's neck.

"Are you sure The Sparrow is dead?" Luke asked with gritted teeth, wanting to make sure the man responsible for Michael's pain was dead. He deserved it.

"I stabbed him myself." Calum said before rushing them once again, "We must leave."

Calum and Luke led the group of four back into the chaotic town, walking quickly with the mission of leaving the island and boarding Luke's ship in order to sail away and never return.

Ashton was softly holding Michael's hand as he walked by his side, comforting the treasure.

But they were soon stopped once two men stepped in front of the rushing group. This made Calum narrow his eyes and grip onto his sword, always willing to do what was necessary to get his way.

"Weren't you four set to speak with The Sparrow this night?"

"We already did." Ashton answered briefly.

"Oh really?" One of the men smirked when he peered at the emerald treasure, "Because I know what The Sparrow had in store for the treasure was sure to take all night."

"Shut your fucking mouth or I'll shut it for you." Calum glared harshly at the men once he heard Michael start to cry once again.

"Make way." Luke ordered the two men sternly, making them smirk and put their hands up in surrender. They moved away, watching the group of four take their leave, unknowing that they had killed The Sparrow.

It didn't take long for the four to board Luke's ship and order the men to set sail.

Michael was expecting to be sent to his room and locked away, left to cry and rot away for the night. He was not expecting all three of them to escort him to Luke's captain courters and to be comforted for the night.

All three haven't discussed it, but they obviously cared for the treasure in the same way. They wanted to protect him and ensure his safety. He was innocent and precious; he was worth their new comforting care.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked gently, referencing for Michael to sit down on a soft, comfortable chair in the room.

Michael silently nodded, trying to hold it in. He didn't realize yet how much the three men cared for him. He still thought of them as kidnapping, vicious pirates who were using him for the treasure. He was still scared and afraid for his life, even if they were suddenly being nicer to him.

Luke kneeled down to look up into Michael's sad eyes, pressing his hand softly onto Michael's cheek, "You can be honest with me, with us. You should be honest."

"I...I'm scared." Michael said, making the three frown.

"There's no reason to be scared, emerald. I killed The Sparrow." Calum said, trying to reassure the innocent one.

"I-I'm scared of...y-you three." Michael said, trying not to start crying again. This broke the men's hearts almost instantly.

"Dove..." Ashton stepped forwards, softly caressing Michael's soft hair, "There's no reason to be scared of us. We'll protect you no matter what."

"B-But you're pirates."

"Pirates who care about you and your well-being." Ashton kept trying to reassure the crying man.

Michael was upset from the night's events and it was all coming out, leaving the three to prove just how much they cared about him and were willing to take care of him.

So they didn't leave him that night. They wouldn't leave him alone left to handle his fear and sadness by himself. Instead they would hold him for the night, ensuring he was safe with them and that they would never harm him.

In the moment it didn't feel like it was helping or making Michael trust the three, but in reality it was a huge night for the four.

Because it made Michael realize that they were right: they would protect him, even if they were pirates.

It made the three captains also realize something huge for them that would change their future journey together: they deeply cared for the treasure. And it wasn't because he was a valuable gem. It was because they cared about him as a person, as an innocent man, and as a sensitive, bright soul.

Luke knew he would never be able to cash out Michael for coins and riches.

Ashton knew he would never be able to flaunt Michael around like some piece of treasure, proving himself as the best pirate and captain.

Calum knew he would never be able to pull his sword out on Michael again.

And if they were only honest with their feelings to one another, it would have made their journey a lot more smooth sailing.


Cutie pirates 🏴‍☠️ taking care of cutie treasure 💎


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