Chapter 3

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**Saffron's POV**

The rest of the night passed by in a blur, I spent the rest of time sitting and chatting with Jay. He's nice, really nice, with such a funny and sweet personality and he really knows how to make me laugh. Before I knew what had happened it was time for us all to head back home.

"Come on Jay," Siva said, tapping him on the shoulder as he walked past, "it's time to go,"

"Alright," Jay nodded in agreement, sending his curls bobbing up and down. I made my way across the floor with him, and was caught by surprise when Jay lightly placed a hand around my waist, pulling me slightly closer towards him. I looked up at him questioningly, and saw worry creep into his face, he began to remove his hand, but I caught a hold of his wrist, and put his arm back,

"It's alright," I said gently. That sent a smile cascading across his face, it was really cute and I smiled as well.

"You two look like you had a good time," Tom said stated as he walked along in pace beside us. I just smiled to myself and looked around to see where everyone else had gotten to. And that was when I saw them. Nathan, with that girl he walked into. Sitting together, laughing, and as I watched in stony silence, I saw Nathan rest his hand lightly on top of hers. It felt as if my whole world was falling to pieces around me. It felt like-

"Saff?" Jay asked, interrupting my thoughts, it was only then did I realise that I'd stopped walking. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, looking up into his blue eyes and putting on a smile, "really." I said, to reassure him, although I was far from it. I said my goodbye's to Jay and the rest of the boys, although I chose to avoid Nathan, I had a feeling if I did start to speak to him then I would break down in tears. I could already feel some threatening to spill over. So after saying goodbye, I walked briskly away from the group and back home.

It was only then when I was lying down in bed that I started to cry. And cry, and cry and cry.

**Nathan's POV**

Wow. What a night. I've not felt like this about any girl before. Jenny. That's her name. I can't get her amazing dark blue eyes off my mind. She was so lovely, funny, sweet, caring, overall she just had a great personality. I sighed with happiness as I left the club with her and out the corner of my eye I saw Saffron next to Jay, the other times I'd glanced at her that evening she'd looked like she was having a great time, but now she just looked unhappy,sad, in disbelief, shocked and I don't know how to explain it, sort of betrayed. I watched as Jay asked her something, she replied and then smiled, although it was forced, I could see that for sure, I'd seen her smile properly before and what she did just then was a fake smile, it didn't reach her eyes. As I walked out with Jenny I gave her my number then watched as she walked away with a little smile on my face. I looked around to say goodbye to everyone else, and I caught sight of Saffron again, but walking away from everyone. She hadn't said goodbye to me. That hurt. That hurt more than it should. I couldn't explain what I felt, it was sort of like a numb feeling. I feel like I've upset her, but how? I've not done anything wrong, have I? I got into the taxi with the rest of the lads and ended up sitting next to Jay. I was stuck for conversation, so I just said the first thing that came to my mind,

"So, you and Saff...?" I questioned him, the car became very quiet as everyone else leaned in for a listen, they were all very interested as well.

"Well, I, umm," Jay started, stuttering over his words,

"Just spit it out," Tom said, "it's pretty obvious you like Saffron, so its alright, you can tell us. We're your mates."

"Ok, yes, I do like her, a lot." Jay said quietly, seeming embarassed by this conversation.

"So did you ask her out?" Max asked,

"Well uh no, not yet," Jay replied,

"Hah you coward!" Tom joked.

I lost myself deep in thought, part of me was glad he hadn't asked her, I couldn't figure out why though, I liked Jenny. I couldn't change my mind and suddenly decide I liked Saff instead. That was unfair on Jenny and Jay. Argh I'm so confused, what's happening, I finally think I find a girl and then my feelings become messed up and then I think I love someone different. No. No. No. I can't like Saff, I can't. But there was a part of me, that when she looked so sad as we were leaving the club, that wanted to run up to her and to take her in my arms and comfort her and ask her what was the matter. I just can't wait for it to be the morning, when maybe this will all make a bit more sense.

**Saffron's POV**

I woke up early this morning with a pounding headache and tear marks staining my pillow. I glanced at myself in the mirror, god I looked a mess. My eyes were all red and puffy and I had dark shadows underneath them from lack of sleep. I took a deep breath, raked a hand through my tousled hair and forced myself to get up. I got ready for another day's work of dancing and choreographing and as I got ready I forced myself to not think of Nathan or Jay. I honestly couldn't be arsed getting stressed and worried and confused today. I promised myself that I would not think about any of them today and just focus on my dancing and then hopefully I would be able to get through the day. That promise was broken as soon as I stepped through the revolving glass doors into the studio as I saw Jay waiting for me. I was taken by surprise, the boys don't normally come to this area. But what happened next was even more of a surprise. As I approached Jay, he looked down at me with his sky-blue eyes, and then gently, almost cautiously,

"Will you go out with me?"

A/N: ooohh.... suspense..... haha hope you enjoyed that chapter! Next one up sometime soon. All comments/votes/reads very much appreciated my lovelies :) xx

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