Chapter 12

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**Saffron's POV**

 Jay and Jenny had gone home later that night. They were actually so sweet together. And despite my former feelings towards her, she's so nice. I guess I can understand why she was being such a bitch towards me in the first place though, if I had a boyfriend who flirted and had feelings for another girl then I'd be pretty mad as well.

Tanya also left with them, giving me a small wink and smile as she went.

Everyone had gone, except Nathan. He sidled up to the hospital bed and sat down on the hard, undoubtedly uncomfortable plastic chair.

"Hey," he almost whispered,

"Hey," I said back, my voice catching in my throat for some reason.

There was a long pause while we both listened to the sounds of each other's breathing and the constant beeps of the hospital hard at work. My mind kept remembering the kiss we shared a few hours ago.

"Are you alright?" Nathan asked,

I don't know why, but I was all of a sudden so mad at him, and my words came tumbling out of mouth in a rush,

"Am I alright? Am I alright? What do you think Nathan? And I'm not talking about the accident! I'm talking about you! How do you think it made me feel, to say yes to Jay and try to deny my feelings for you whilst you hooked up with another girl and then for you to downright flirt with me and make me feel special? How do you think that made me feel? To have my heart broken repeatedly over and over again!" I finished quickly, looking away, not wanting him to see the tears in my eyes.

"Saff, I am so, so sorry. I know I was acting like a total arsehole but you need to believe me when I say that I am so sorry and that I never meant to hurt you at all. I guess I was just acting without thinking. I knew Jay liked you, but I liked you as well but I didn't want to get a girl get in the way of our friendship, didn't really work though did it?" He half laughed, and then carried on, "Anyway, so when I saw Jenny, I didn't give myself a chance to know how I was actually feeling about her, but I saw her as a distraction from you. But then when I saw you with Jay, and when I got to know you even better, I knew I'd made a mistake. I'm am so truly sorry. I hope you can forgive me and that we could start again? Give me one more chance, please?"

I looked up at Nathan, his green eyes looking at me pleadingly, full of hope, I couldn't resist,

"It's ok, of course I forgive you. I'm sorry for going all crazy on you. Its just been a pretty bad day."

Nathan's gleeful and triumphant smile told me I'd done the right thing. And I did really like him. Second time lucky, I thought to myself. Then Nathan leaned over and gave me quick kiss on the lips. It was over in a flash but I was filled with a hopeful and giddy feeling.

"Well its been a pretty bad day up until now," I smiled, and Nathan smiled smugly back. Then suddenly I was overcome with a massive wave of tiredness and I can't remember anything else other than my head hitting the pillow gratefully and Nathan mouthing "I love you."

The next morning I was discharged from the hospital. I woke up early, and saw that Nathan hadn't left, he was lying slumped in the hospital chair, green eyes closed, breathing peacefully and heavily, one arm draped out over the hospital bed, reaching out for me. The nurse came in to say good morning and give me a final checkover and assessment of my injuries.

"Seems like he really likes you." She said gently, nodding towards Nathan,

"Yeah," I replied, sighing happily,

"He looks like a keeper," She said knowingly with a small smile and a wink,

"I hope so," I said quietly, as she gave me the all clear and walked out.

 I glanced over at Nathan, he opened his eyes slowly,

"Good morning," he mumbled indistinctively,

"Hello," I said with a smile, god his morning voice... it made me feel all fluttery on the inside.

Once I'd gathered my things together we walked outside into the crisp, bright november air, the sun beaming bleakly from the sky. I shivered and wrapped my thin jacket further around me. Although Nathan noticed and he put his arm around my shouders, pulling me in closer towards him. I felt safe there, protected, leaning against his frame as we walked, I looked up into the sky as I felt something cold land on the tip of my nose, leaving a tingling sensation behind. Then another. And another. It was snowing.

I looked at Nathan with a gleeful smile and his expressions mirrored my own. The snowflakes were beginning to fall even more quickly by the second, and they were settling on the ground, causing it to look as though someone had spilt a spoonful of sugar on the earth. 

The snowflakes began to melt in Nathan's hair, turning it darker and plastering his fringe to his forehead.

"Come on, let's go back to mine where we can get some warmer clothes on." Nathan said to me and I happily agreed.

We walked steadily through the heavy downfall of snow, close together to try and keep ourselves as warm as possible.

If we were to turn back just then, we would've seen a set of perfect footsteps leaving a path behind us. In fact, it would've looked to anybody else as if two people had melted into each other's bodies and become one.


A/N: hello lovelies <3 I especially loved the ending to this chapter :p are you happy that Nath and Saff are finally together now?

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