Chapter 6

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**Nathan's POV**

I finally got myself ready for my date with Jenny and then rushed out and over to the coffee shop to meet her. She was sitting inside, waiting for me. I walked in, a little damp because of the rain and sat down next to her with a huge grin which she returned.

"Hello," I said,

"Hi," she replied "how are you?"

She's so sweet, I found myself thinking,

"Great thanks, and you?" I said to her,

""Better now that you're here," she said with a shy smile,

Wow she's perfect, I thought to myself.

"Haha thanks, I'm not really." Jenny said. Oh God, did I just say that out loud instead of think that? Oh no, oh no, oh no.

"Well umm, I think you are," I said quietly, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Thank you," she said softly. There was a bit of a silence then, but it was broken by a waitress coming over to take our drinks orders. I oredered a simple tea with milk and sugar and Jenny asked for a cappucino. We talked gently while waiting for them to arrive and I learnt a bit about her, she wants to be a vet and right now she's just staying with her cousin here in London whilst her house further north is being re-built. But she only just arrived here a couple of days ago and the house is nowhere near to being finished so we have plenty of time together. Just then our drinks arrived. Without thinking I picked up my mug and took a sip of my tea, forgetting that it would be burning hot. I spluttered, taken aback by how warm it actually was, and managed to spill most of the tea that was still left in the mug all over me. I flinched at the sweltering hot liquid nipping at my legs and the stinging sensation left on my tongue.

"Oh dear!" Jenny exclaimed, and picked up a handful of napkins,

"I'm so sorry, oh God I'm such a clumsy idiot," I apologised,

"No you're not," Jenny said, gently dabbing at my sodden trousers, trying to clear up the mess, "we all make mistakes from time to time." After she finished attempting to wipe the tea stains away, she looked up at me with her big, oval, dark blue eyes. We held each other's gaze for a few seconds in silence and then she began to move away. I quickly and gently grabbed hold of her wrist, making her look at me in surprise. I don't know why I did what I did next, I guess it was kind of a spur of the moment type thing. But I took a deep breath and said to her,

"Jenny, I-I know this is crazy and we've only met like two times but I-uh, I was wondering, do you.. do you want to go out with me?"

Jenny looked at me, shocked. Oh no, I've blown it, I was just beginning to think, when I watched her eyes light up and a huge smile as wide as the sun light up on her face.

"Nathan! Yes of course I do!" And then she leaned over me and gave me a hug. I returned it, it felt good. As we pulled apart a huge clap of thunder echoed out across the sky and the rain came pouring down with much more force than before.

"Ahh darn it, I've got to walk back to my cousin's in that," Jenny said with a mournful expression on her face.

"Come back to my place, I mean, if you want to?" I said to her,

"Alright then, thanks," she replied.

Jenny finished up the rest of her cappucino and then we made our way outside. Her jacket didn't have a hood, so I took mine off and held it above our heads so that it shielded us both from the oncoming downpour of rain.

"I share my place with Jay, I hope that's alright?" I said to her after we clambered into the car,

"Course it is! It'll be nice to meet him,"

I sent Jay a quick text before I started the engine:

Hey, everything went well. Coming back to our place with Jenny.

Whilst I was driving my phone buzzed with a reply,

"Can you check to see if that's Jay?" I asked Jenny, concentrating on the road ahead of me,

"Yeah, hang on," she said, reaching for my phone, "its Jay, he says: Hey, that's good. Sure that's awesome. Saff is back here though, her car broke down. Hope that's ok?"

"Thanks, ah alright," I said to her, reaching out for my phone and putting it in my pocket,

"Who's Saff?" Jenny asked, I don't know, I'm sure I must've imagined it, but there was something that sounded like a hint of suspicion or maybe even jealousy in her voice. I must've imagined it though.

"Oh she's Jay's new girlfriend, she's nice I'm sure you'll get along with her. She's easy-going and funny and has a great personality and umm yeah..." I trailed off, realising how much I'd just said. I can't like her, I can't, I can't, I can't. I have Jenny now. And Saffron is Jay's girl and you don't go after your best mate's girlfriend. But I can't help wondering if I've only hooked up with Jenny to help me to try and forget about Saff.

"Oh," Jenny replied. I glanced over at her, the sparkle was gone from her eyes and her mouth was set in a thin line. She wasn't looking at me.

Oh great. I thought to myself sarcastically. Now that I've gone and rambled on about Saff Jenny probably thinks I like her as well. Crap. The air in the car was tense and there was a stony silence. I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy...but I get the feeling that, although she's lovely and wonderful and funny, I think that Jenny can get a tad jealous.

A/N: hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in what must feel like a million years but I've finally done it now! Just been so busy revising ugh :/ How was that chapter? Did you like it? It just came from Nath's point of view, I hope that's ok?! Anyway please comment and/or vote - very much appreciated! And this fanfic is nearly at 600 reads woo! :D anyway the next chapter might not be updated in a while because tomorrow I'm out all day with friends and on friday out all day again with other friends and then there's revision and one of my friend's birthday party and yeah, I'm busy! But I'll try my best to update and write more whenever I can! Much love - Hannah x

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