Chapter 14

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*Saffron's POV*

Nathan and I, soaked to the bone from the ferocious snowball fight, decided to head back to his place to dry off while Jay announced he was going back to Jenny's apartment with her. We smiled and waved them goodbye then set foot towards the flat.

"I'll stick the kettle on," Nathan said cheerfully, his cheeks flushed pink from the cold, wintry weather and fresh air,

I nodded and returned the smile, but with chattering teeth and my knees practically knocking together with the cold that was still niggling away at me, I could feel it settling in.

Nathan came over and gave me a hug, and then he realised immediately how cold I was,

"God Saff, why didn't you say anything?" Without giving me a chance to answer, he caringly took my hand in his and began to lead me through the winding hallway and past a series of doors and room,

"You're absolutely freezing, I'm such an idiot, I should've realised, geez, look! You have goose bumps! Anyway, this is my room," Nathan declared as we reached the top of a staircase, without giving me a chance to look in properly, he whizzed round his room, looking in his wardrobe and handed me some dry clothes.

"They're mine so they'll probably be too big, but they're better than those cold, wet ones I suppose," he said,

"Thanks Nath," I replied warmly,

"You can go change in Jay's room if you want, it's just round the corner there."

Jay's room was exactly how I would've expected it to be, the walls were painted a deep dark blue colour, on one wall there was a giant movie sized poster of Avatar, no surprises there then. And in a large tank which occupied most of the space on the west wall, was Jay's lizard, Neytiri. She came out and looked at me, it was slightly unnerving so I averted my eyes from her.

I slipped on a shirt of Nathan's and a pair of baggy sweatpants and padded bare-footed out of the room. Nathan was right, the clothes were too big for me, but just slightly. They fitted loosely and comfortably, and they smelt nice as well. They smelt of Nathan and that simply brought a smile to my face. I came out of the bedroom at the same time as Nathan came out of his, he'd changed into dry clothes as well. He threw me a smile as I stepped towards him, but the trousers which were too big for me, with the bottoms trailing along the floor and past my feet, got me tangled up and I stumbled forwards and ended up in Nathan's strong, steady arms.

*Nathan's POV*

Saffron came out of Jay's room, looking cute and small in my bigger clothes. She smiled sweetly at me, the smile lighting up her whole face. As she took a step towards me though, she lost her footing and fell forwards.

Quickly, I rushed forwards and caught her in my arms before she landed face first on the carpet,

"That was a close one," I laughed freely, pulling her up,

"Oh no I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed and I could see a blush creeping up her neck and into her cheeks, it was adorable.

"Hey, hey, you don't need to apologise!" I told her, planting a kiss on her light brown and golden highlighted hair, taking her hand and leading her back downstairs again,

"What do you say about watching a movie?" I asked her as we entered the living room,

"Sounds good to me," Saff replied gleefully,

"Ok you choose," I say, gesturing towards a large shelf filled with DVDs,

"Wow, how many do you have?" She asked, with a mixture of surprise, shock and admiration on her face,

"Erm I don't know...a lot!"

Saffron laughed, and then turned her attention back to the DVDs, pondering over them.

"Hmm, what about this one?" She said eventually, holding up Bambi, "Disney films are the best," She said with an air of finality,

"Ok, ok," I say, slotting the film into place, and then settling down on the sofa beside Saffron, putting my arm round her and cuddling her in close.

Time passed, and I looked down to see Saffron snuffling gently, I tilted her head towards me carefully and saw that tears were in her eyes,

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned,

"Nothing. Its just, its just," she choked out,


"I always cry when Bambi's mum dies," Saff replied,

"Oh," I breath out heavily, my worry washing away,

"Its sad," she said,

"Then why did you choose this movie?"

"Because I like it. And don't pretend you don't find this part sad either. I can see your eyes misting over Sykes," Saffron said with a smile, turning back to watch the film.

When the movie came to a close and the credits began rolling, I shifted my arm gently away from Saffron. And found that she'd fallen fast asleep on the sofa. She was breathing slowly and contentedly, with a small, happy smile on her face. Her big, brown, curious eyes shut, with her long lashed sweeping her cheeks.

She looked so beautiful, so peaceful.

Just like an angel.

A/N: hellllloooo lovely people!!! I've updated woop woop! What did you think of this chapter? Pretty cute towards the end? ANYway there's two more chapters left to this story and I go back to school in just under two weeks so I'm trying to aim to finish this before I go back so I can then focus on my other fanfic Lost Until I Found You (and if you're not reading it, go check it out! Its a Siva fanfic and pretty different to any other normal fanfic I think) so yep I think that's all I have to say. Thank you again for all your lovely comments, votes and of course, reads! ~ Hannah xox

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