Chapter 8

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**Saffron's POV**

Once I arrived home, I let myself in quietly and closed the door with a sigh. Raking a hand through my brown-blonde hair, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Thinking it was Tanya I took it out and glanced at the screen. My heart sank when I saw it was from Jay.

Jay: Hey, when do u want to come round for your car? I've called the garage out and they're on their way to fix it now. I don't want u to come round when I'm not there ;) xxxx

Squeezing my eyes shut with frustration, I threw my phone down on the sofa. I couldn't deal with this right now. Even just reading his texts made me feel guilty.

Impatiently, I waited for Tanya to arrive at my house. The sky was beginning to clear, the storm clouds were fading, and it was slowly becoming darker and darker as night crept in.

I jumped suddenly as a sudden and loud knock at my door gave me a fright. I rushed towards it and opened it to find Tanya standing outside,

"Saff, what-" She began to say, but I just grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. I was panicking already. What was I going to tell her? I hadn't even planned what I should say. What was Tanya going to think of me now?

I began to bustle around in my kitchen making Tanya a cup of tea to try and distract myself and buy myself some time to think about what I should say - but my mind was blank.

"Saff?" Tanya questioned me, "Saffron?" No reply. "Saffron Baker? What have you dragged me all the way over here for?" Tanya asked, with an irritated tone to her voice. I heard her footsteps making their way towards me, where I was standing slumped against my dresser with a mug in each hand, my head down, hiding from the world. I felt Tanya grab onto my wrist, her grip vice-like. She turned me around so we were face to face, me standing a good few inches abover her. Tanya's expression changed as she saw me, and she reached up and gently wiped a tear from my face with her fingertip. I hadn't even realised I was crying.

"Oh Saff," she whispered, grey eyes filled with sympathy, "what is it? What's happened?"

I just shook my head  as more tears escaped from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Hot and salty.

"Come on," Tanya said, putting a comforting arm around my shoulders and guiding me towards my own living room. As we sat down Tanya said to me, "Now tell me everything."

"Oh Tan," I began, and burst into a flood of tears again,

"Shh, shh, its ok, its alright. Take your time, it ok Saff, its ok."

"But you'll think I'm an awful person," I managed to choke out,

"No I won't. Saffron, you're the most loveliest person I've ever had the pleasure to know. Its alright, I won't think any differently of you, I promise."

I blinked the remaining tears which were clouding my vision from my eyes and took a deep, shaky breath.

"Ok, I..I honestly don't know where to start," I stuttered,

"The beginning is always a good place," Tanya said softly, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

So I told her everything. Right from the start from when I first met the boys and developed feelings for Nathan to when Jay got friendly with me at the club and then how awful and shattered I felt when I saw Nathan with Jenny. And then how happy Jay made me feel, but then about that strange feeling I felt when I hugged Nathan earlier today. Then I told her about my little scene with Jenny.

All the way through, Tanya kept silent and didn't utter a word. When I'd finished I forced myself to look at her. Instead of a look of disgust on her face, there was only sympathy.

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