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Jungkook's pov

December... the month of joy and celebration... the month when all the decisions you have made are reviewed. It's a time of the year when you think about everything that has been done or not done during the past twelve months. For me, December means the end of the tour, rest and spending time with my family. But there is another obstacle on the way to hedonism... the last concert in London.

Eunwoo, Hoseok and I with all the staff members entered our hotel, in the heart of London, where we will be staying for the next six days. No doubt, it's definitely one of the best hotels I've stayed at. As one of the highest paid and most popular K-idol, I have the privilege to experience only the best from all countries and cities. I worked hard for it, so I think it's well deserved. I'm not being immodest or arrogant when I say that, because it wasn't always a fairy tale. It wasn't always a bed of roses.

Although when I started on my own, I didn't make much of a name for myself. As a 15-year-old kid I didn't manage to break into that whole world of glitter and kitsch. My company connected me with two guys who were wandering like me. We have grown up a bit for last ten years, matured and understood what we want from the whole situation. We gave sweat, tears and blood to succeed in this and we were lucky. We have fans all over the world now and I can proudly say this last concert of the year will change a lot of things. I feel it in my bones.

- Oh finally I can close my eyes a little. - I said to Eunwoo as I threw myself on the bed with my arms crossed behind my head.

- I believe you, Jungkook. Today we have a little time to rest, but the rehearsals start tomorrow. We need to get some sleep, you know how much it always exhausts us.- replied Eunwoo.

At that moment Hoseok entered my room, and settled comfortably on my double bed, which was definitely too big for me alone, but that's part of the luxury we have when we stay in such expensive hotels.

- Hey yo, we literally have to work out a little tomorrow morning, if we don't want sore muscles for the holidays. Maybe if our group was more numerous, we would have less work to do. This is how the three of us have to do it all. You guys do your best to sing while following the hard choreography, and I'm the only rapper here. It's not naive at all.

- Well, Hoseok, simplify the choreography a bit. Then we could definitely achieve everything without any problem. - Eunwoo joked.

- Guys, I know it's hard, but we wouldn't be where we are if we didn't work hard and do our best. - Hoseok retorted.

And he was right. We have invested a lot in all of this. And it paid off. If it wasn't like that, we wouldn't be on another continent right now, holding a concert for 100,000 people.

- Ok Jungkook, you rest, Hoseok and I are going to our rooms. In 2 hours we should meet at the reception. We will go down to the hotel restaurant for lunch. - responded a blond guy.

•The melody of his sighs• [ Taekook ]Where stories live. Discover now