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Last night, after a two-hour concert and a short stay in the dressing room, Jungkook arrived late at night at the hotel.

He repeated the process from the night before, and quietly crept into Taehyung's bed. Fatigue destroyed him, the chanting of his name by thousands of fans still echoed in his ears.

He set an alarm on his phone, so that the same mistake wouldn't happen again. Because if his alarm doesn't ring in a few hours, and if he misses his flight, then he might be stuck here forever. And it was too much of a challenge at one point. It was as if he silently begged God for it to happen, but he knew he didn't have that much power.

The alarm would ring in the morning, they would say goodbye forever and it was inevitable. As inevitable as dying. Much like dying.

Jungkook may have managed to get a few hours of sleep before that unwanted sound spread through the familiar room. The younger one jumped a little in bed, grabbing the phone and when he looked back at Taehyung, he was already looking at him.

He gave him a small smile with almost teary and sleepy eyes. There was no need to say anything. They talked with their eyes. Because the eyes never lie.

Tae wrapped his warm arms around Jungkook's bare waist and pulled him close, as if he wanted to suck him into him and keep him there for all times to come.

Jungkook carefully placed his head on Taehyung's chest, and in that position he could clearly hear his heartbeat. That was enough for him.

Time was constantly flowing, the hands ticked unstoppably and none of them, no matter how much they wanted, could stop it. Time was really the main culprit for every unfulfilled desire. And there were a lot of them.

Taehyung wanted to look at Jungkook every morning when the sun's rays woke him up. Ever since he saw him for the first time, he had an overwhelming desire to just hug him and never let him go. He wanted to take him out on dates and buy him the most beautiful bouquets of flowers. He wanted to wash his black locks in the bath while Jungkook leaned on him and let out the most beautiful tones from his musical voice.

Jungkook, on the other hand,  wanted to know better Taehyung. Although he only knew the man for a few days, he never had a chance to find out anything more about him, except that he was the owner of this place and that he came from a rich family. And if Tae had allowed him to know him, and had been of a different attitude, they simply wouldn't have had time for it. So he could only hope that what he knew about him was enough to satisfy his curiosity and desire forever.

- Jungkook... - Tae broke the heavy silence and before he could say anything more, he took a breath.

- No, no... Tae... don't say that. - Jungkook answered and Tae felt something wet on his chest.

Jungkook's tears were falling down his rosy cheeks.

- Love, you have to pack... you don't want to be late, do you? - as soon as he asked him, he planted a kiss on his forehead, removing the tufts from his face along the way.

•The melody of his sighs• [ Taekook ]Where stories live. Discover now