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Jungkook clumsily pulled on comfortable clothes and he hurried down the stairs. Thoughts of his departure tormented him and irretrievably filled his mind.

There were still two days left before he returns home. And maybe this was the last day he could spend in Taehyung's arms. Maybe it wasn't even a whole day, but just these few hours that they would spend together at breakfast.

Now he knew better, he was prepared for a walk in the garden. He put on a jacket, put on his VARZAR bucket hat and headed for the glass door that revealed the way to the hotel's garden.

The snowflakes played their game delicately, the cold winter wind constantly tingling Jungkook's skin under the thick layer of clothing.

He walked for a while, looking for that familiar sight - his mysterious man in a black coat with a tompus in his hands.

But he wasn't there.

And Jungkook couldn't help but think that maybe he had already gone somewhere, that he had left him alone again.

Jungkook wasn't ready to face it. He had so many questions that constantly tormented him and kidnapped his sanity.

He desperately wanted to ask the elder why he kept a secret from him.
The fact that he was the owner. And then to ask him about his life, because it seemed more and more to the younger that their situation was not fair at all. Tae knew a lot more about Jungkook than the younger knew about Tae.

And he wanted to know everything. He wanted to know how that man wakes up and on which side he sleeps.

He felt a slight twinge in his chest as he realized that he had been denied that experience when Tae decided to leave him alone after the rough sex.

And he knew it wasn't fair.

He wanted to know the answers to those questions, because he would have to have some reason to occupy him when he came back to reality.

He wanted to know Taehyung's every reaction. What he is like when he works, what he is like when he reads, and even what he is like when he is nervous.

But the only thing Jungkook knew at that moment was those desires were overpowering him and controlling him.

He had to reach him somehow. He had to because there was so little time left for them.

And who knows when they will see each other again, who knows if there will be a next time. What if now was the time to accept the truth that was more than obvious. The fact they are just a one-time thing and that as soon as he lands in Korea, he will be forgotten.

He knew so little about him. One question occupied his mind. Will he be able to find him again?

Jungkook did not know how long he planned to live in his hotel. What if he moves soon, what if he disappears soon?

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