Authors Note

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Hello Everyone!

Well this is not an update, but a rant...

To my rescue

Alia is such a strong girl, wallahi letting go for the sake of factual forecast is something most of us can't do, especially in situations where we feel that we love each other, we lied to ourselves numerous time, trying to believe that we can handle those damage people for good.

The thing is no matter how strong you are one day you will get tired and give up. Yeah, I am not the one that say it, it was seen and proven time without numbers. I have seen my friends getting into relationships for pointless reasons some of them end up getting married to people they barely know beyond the gift of chocolate and shawarma.

Fine, let me open this since I come here to discuss with you guys, Let's look at today's generation first, then look at the people close to us or the ones we know, how many of these people  you know got married to people that are into drugs, people that mistreat them woefully since before the wedding, people that hindered them from having the taste of passion let alone the glimpse of their future? Just because they feel like those men will change the moment they get married? How many did you see, heard or even come across?

I have seen many in my side, some exactly like Imran and others in the worse way, honestly speaking, it's high time we ladies settle our heads in one place, it's high time we stop being the people of misplaced priority and begin to think straight because we are not rehabilitation centers, we are humans and we can't change a person who is not willing to make change in their selves, just like Imran Roman, imagine Alia decided to stay back with him, doesn't that sound amazing? But sincerely speaking, do you see a glimpse of light in that future? What do you even think will happen before a year into that union?

The Character Alia is not real, let me remind us, but I do believe she is a mirror we all should look at ourselves through, because nothing, I repeat myself, nothing beat facts, it's high time we find reasons to stay with people than love because that feeling is a lie, yeah it's a lie because it can take you far into damaging your life and then leave you there when you are at the dead end of destruction.

Also to avoid raising people like Imran, I think we need to think correctly and put a lot of things into consideration before making a life time decisions, the people we choose for ourselves today will be the ones to parents our kids tomorrow, so if we choose those with anger issues, drug addicts, disrespectfully unapologetic, bipolar’s and disbelievers in the name of ‘they will change tomorrow’ then believe me prepare to raise someone like Imran in you home! Along with you being damaged.

I will like to pray that all of us, especially the readers of (To my rescue) get to choose the right spouse, may we all be able to stand by truth and use it as a way out even if it hurt us just like our favorite girl, Alia Hussein did.

And thank you so much for sparing a chance this book, it means alot!

Jazakallahu Khair!

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