Homework Is Pointless

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Homework is Pointless won! I present to you, 3000 words of my brian's nonsense.

Ever since the day Izuku was announced quirkless, he knew he'd never be treated fairly. He was 5 years old when he stopped being affected by insults.

Now, normally he could be forgotten by his teachers or play the kid card enough to earn himself some sympathy and be ignored. Izuku was 6 when he learned to never attract attention to himself.

Of course, his peers were awful, which was incredibly ironic considering they all wanted to be heroes when they got older, but he managed to make it through school.....for the most part. At the age of 9, Izuku learned what it was like to have someone's quirk used against him.

However, one thing was always consistent, the teachers didn't care. Or at least, they didn't until he got to middle school. Izuku was smart, really smart, and he knew it. School work was always so easy to him, barely taking any effort to complete. He'd thought of it as a blessing for most of his life, one mercy in a sea of crap. Yet, It seemed his middle school teachers were not happy with the fact that a quirkless kid was smarter than everyone else in the class.

So the teachers failed him, no matter how well he had done on the actual assignment. Or they did, until it nearly resulted in him having to be held back a year. It was almost funny seeing their faces as they were told that their mistakes would cause him to spend another year in their classes. They all had to go back and fix his grades to make sure they weren't forced to teach him anymore. That's when Izuku realized he held all the power.

From that point on, he stopped doing all of his homework. His teachers were absolutely outraged, complaining over and over to the principal about the boy, but the man refused to spend the rest of his week on paperwork to have a 'quirkless brat' expelled. So instead, even if he didn't do any of the work, Izuku passed every assignment. Sure, his grades might not have been very high, but to be fair, he wasn't really expecting them to be.

That's how one Izuku Midoriya passed middle school, but now he is in UA. Not all classes required a written report. Now, he had to put in effort in order to be what he had always dreamed of, a Hero. And he was stoked.

Do you know how boring it is to attend school for absolutely no reason? He knew the work, so why should he have to waste 8 hours of his time listening to other people learn about it. When Izuku didn't know something, he searched for answers until he found them. He memorizes the steps, vocabulary, and layout of everything he finds. At this point it was just second nature.

He helped an old lady who spoke English get her cat down from a tree. Upset he couldn't understand her, he learned English. When he was done with that, he got bored and branched off into other languages. He learned Spanish, French and, for some reason, Arabic. If he found something he didn't know, he learned it. Which was awesome because there was almost an infinite amount of knowledge out there.

His 'learn new things' plan did not include basic English, standard high school math, standard high school history, standard high school science, and you get the point. He didn't know how to fight, he wanted to learn that! All Might taught him how to build up strength, but Izuku's not All Might. Brute strength will only get him so far.

He learned how to make friends! Sort of? It has only really been a few weeks of school, and everyone in the past wanted him dead, except his mom. What did you expect?

Currently, he was making his way over to the teachers' lounge after being asked by Mr. Aizawa to meet him there once school was finished. His group of friends had been worried for him, but he just sent them a smile and grabbed his things once class was over.

He gave a few small, but firm, knocks on the door, which was later opened by Aizawa himself. After motioning him inside, Aizawa took a seat at his desk as Izuku glanced around the room. Everything was pretty normal, if he ignored the not so secretive glances from the other teachers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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