Untitled Part 27

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Do you ever sit alone and ponder in silence, questioning every move and decision you ever made?

Lying on a cold floor, skin bruises, and numb emotions never fully understood.

Eyes dark and face stained with the many burning tears, begging for someone to remove all of your fears. 

Does the burden of guilt weigh heavy in your heart and forever remind you that you were never enough? 

Sometimes these feelings chip at us and chain our hearts in hopes one day someone maybe just one person will come and find a way in.

I too have these emotions, they break me and weigh my every step, yet for some reason, I keep taking one step in front of the other. 

For so many years I have begged to feel the sun softly caress my skin with its warmth and send me just enough joy to get to the next day. 

We are tossed into this burden of life expecting us to know every answer to every question but, shamed for not always following the rest. 

Who is to blame me for not being able to enjoy this life I was given? 

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