Not Everything is Happy

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When you were gone I was left to stand alone
          with my heart aching for you
          with my breath fading fast
When you left my heart shattered to millions of pieces
Without your soft voice it was so quiet and empty
          as if there was nothing left of me
I could hear nothing but the sound of your feet
          walking away as I could feel my safety drift away
          like drifting away in a sea of terror
All I could see was darkness like a sky with no moon and no stars
          just black
The only thing left in my mind were
          the words you screamed out
          the words that almost killed me
          that just put me on my death bed
When I heard nothing and saw nothing then soon fainted
           when I opened my eyes I found you
           holding me in your arms with your face pressed to mine
           saying such soft words promising to never do it again
When you held me I felt warmth
            your cold body keeping my cold self warm
Your words filled my ears with happiness and safety
            like they were true
I could feel my heart race and my breath fasten
            I no longer felt alone
I could feel you tremble with guilt upon your face as I tremble in fear
            of the thought you were possibly gone for good

By~Moonlight Lane

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