The News

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The fact that I wasn't surprised when my mother handed me a purple dotted suitcase was even more disturbing than running away from home. I was hoping for Dad to be at my side, maybe just to soften things up a little and tell me that it was all just a big joke.

As if reading my mind, my mother simply says, "He agrees with my decision." as she sits beside me on my bed.

"Emily..." She sighs.

I keep looking past her, as if I'm looking out the window, but it's still dark so I can only spot my mother's reflection.

"I know this is hard for you, but..." she trailed off.

"What do you know?" I ask. My voice is sharp and a bit too loud. She sighs again.

"Staying over your aunt's house, who you don't like much, until we come back ...and being with six cousins, whom you find annoying." I narrow my eyebrows and cross my arms.

"There is more than just that," I say.

Finally, she says, "Emily, your father and I have decided to go to Chicago this year alone. We have important business to take care of and we don't want you getting tired or bored, especially since it is your break off from school. We want you to relax and enjoy your summer. We have always dragged you into our business and work, so please bear with us. We want the best for you, plus you get to enjoy the beach over at Auntie's house." She looked at me compassionately and removed a piece of hair out of my face to show she cared.

I looked at her and said,"Alright mom...but please come back as soon as you're done and don't forget to call once in a while." She laughed and grabbed my pale white hand.

"I will honey. Now get packing, tomorrow is your big day. We don't want you arriving at your auntie's house late, you know."

I smiled a fake smile, grabbing the purple dotted suitcase and unzipped it to get packing. I know my mom wants me to at least enjoy my summer break, but I really don't want to stay at crazy Auntie Lucy's house.

First of all, she is a total lunatic and second, she is totally obsessed with Justin Bieber. Think about it, a 45 year old in love with a young teenage boy. Plus, my girl cousins aren't the best. Well, I never really hung out with them, especially since they are obviously what you call the G.G's (aka Girly Girls). They only know about fashion and what the new trend is which I never paid any attention to. Hopefully I survive this summer. This is the second time visiting and the first time wasn't at all what I hoped it would be. Well, cross your fingers for me.


Next Day

I turned to face my dad and mom, who had huge grins on their faces.

"Well, honey are you ready? Did you make sure to have your tooth brush, extra clothes, your phone fully charged, your pass port, your..."

"Mom, yes I have everything. Don't worry," I said, cutting her off before she kept listing everything I should have, which I do.

"Oh honey, you're getting so big! Please be careful okay? And make sure to call when you get there!"

"Okay, I will!" I said laughing, giving her a tight hug. My mom is so carefree and joyful, which is why I love her so much. Next was my dad, who appeared cool standing aside, not showing off to much attention that he also wanted a hug.

"Hey dad." I said, grinning. He looked at me funny and laughed, grabbing my head.

"I love you squirt. Make sure no partying late at night or talking to boys. Stay clear of them sharks." He said, giving me a squeeze and a peck on the forehead.

After the sweet comments, I waved good bye and wobbled off into the airport with my purple dotted suitcase rolling on the marbled floor. I was a bit nervous since it was my first time leaving on my own to visit Aunt Lucy. Okay, I told myself, here it goes.


Author's note: Hello :) My friend Shaina told me I should upload this story. It's my first attempt in making an actual novel so hopefully you like it. Make sure to leave a comment so I can continue to load more!! By the way it was edited by allmyalibis and Brianna Bultler !! Check their stories out!

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