Sticky Situation

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Author's note: Hey! Hope you enjoy this next chapter it's pretty long with a lot of things going on. This chapter has not been editted yet so please bear with me. It's under editing. Please don't forget to leave a comment and vote. Tell me what you think about this chapter.


Katie's P.O.V.

I sat on a near bench in front of a closed barber shop with Nick, who was holding my hands in his. It was late and dark out with some young folks mingling around the corners.

I rested my head on Nick's bare shoulder and gazed up at the sky, when Marie and Leila came running towards me. They stopped and took deep breathes while placing their hands on their heart. I looked up startled and before I began to open my mouth Marie spoke up.

"I got a phone call from mom, she wants us home now." She said as she glanced at both me and Nick.

I took a good glance at Marie and Leila who looked ...well messy.

Marie's beautiful curls were waves now and the pink lipstick she applied this afternoon was now smeared across the side of her cheek.

The short sleeves hung down her shoulders revealing part of her white Victoria secret 100 dollar worth brawl. Leila had her mini skirt crooked and a bit more above it's normal length where you could almost see the slight pink of her under garments.

They really did have a party.

I looked at Nick who was looked at me worried. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and got up fixing myself to look representable when I meet mom again.

"I'll see you later Nick", I said while grabbing my small purse.

He quickly got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me into him where I stood there facing my sister with his stomach behind me. He leaned closer on the side of my neck and kissed me.

"Don't forget to text me", he whispered, his breath hovering over my skin. I turned around to face him and kissed him.

"I won't", I whispered smiling.

After the sweet moment I ran towards my sisters who looked like total idiots.

"Hurry up and fix yourselves you two look like total hookers." I said pointing at their clothing and hair.

We all three hurried passed the barber shop and down a skinny alley that led us at least three blocks away from home. It was our short cut.

Teenagers that hung there either smoked or sold drugs in small brown bags. Cops kept the streets watched around here quite a lot and many times teenagers were sent to jail.

The sky began to turn completely grey and rain drops began to fall. My sisters and I hurried up the small steps to our blue and white painted house and we quickly banged on the black door. Mom busted the door open and grabbed us with her chubby hands, pulling us in.

"Oh my where in heaven's sake were you girls?" she asked putting her two arms on her wide waist.

She looked at me than at Marie and finally at Leila. With that pose I knew she meant business and I have to admit even though she's a small woman she had a lot to give as a punishment.

She took her right arm and sunk it into a small pocket of the Justin Bieber apron she was wearing and grabbed something silver by the handle sticking out.

It was a spatula. Her weapon of the day.

She took it out and shoved at my face as she took a small step forward.

"Where were you? and...", she paused and looked at me and the vacant space behind me.

"WHERE IS EMILY!!" She screamed putting her left hand on her face while the spatula still stood before my eyes.

I glanced at Leila as she quietly shoved into her shirt Emily's cell phone.

That's right nice and steady, I told myself

I turned my eyes to look back at mom and said "Emily left. She said she didn't want to stay here anymore. I told her not to run away, but she wouldn't listen to me."

My mom looked at me for a long time and took the spatula away from my face. She looked down with a sad face and began to walk away into the living room where she sat on the couch and covered her face with her hands.

It is better this way I told myself as I motioned my sisters to go upstairs. I mean what else could happen it's not like Emily would die anyway. She's pretty smart to go off somewhere else and probably get home somehow.

I shook my head and hit my forehead with the back of my hand. Why the heck am I thinking about her anyway?

I trotted up the stairs to meet up with my sisters we had to have things go as planned if not things could get a little messy. But before I even headed towards my room I heard a loud noise downstairs. Like the sounds of screaming sirens and a huge bang at the door.

My sisters Marie and Leila stood at the doorway of my room looking at me with shocked expression. Their lips moved which I was afraid to decipher.

"The cops" I whispered.

Whisper of the Conch (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now