All Big Fat Lies

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Author's Note: Hello just letting youknow this part has  been edited by all time favourite @allmyalibis. I also said I was going to post an update either yesterday or Monday, but unfortunately it was not possible for me sorry. Hope you enjoy! Please do not forget to vote and comment. I need support :(   Thank you for understanding.


The morning light filters through the openings of the white curtains, giving a sign of the start of a new day. It’s a radiant yellow light that caused my eyelashes to flutter open. A light of honesty and security.

I wake up to the humming noise of the fan above and feel the breeze on my skin. I look across the room to where my eyes fixed on the dancing shadows playing on the wooden floor that was beneath the white door.

That grew bigger and bigger…

"Emily sweetie, wake up! It's a big day! "

It was Aunt Lucy again.

"Ugh" I mumbled, scratching my head.

She opened the door with full force, not that she already looked heavy, and with a spoon on hand she began to sing the first few lines of Beauty and a Beat by her beloved Justin Bieber.

"Come on Emily! You know the song" she said,grabbing my two hands, hopping me off from the bed. From the corner of my eyes, I could spot Katie and Marie giggling.

This was not funny at all.

"Umm... Auntie where exactly are we going?" I ask,trying to get her to stop dancing around in circles.

"Oh to my beautiful flower shop! We have a flower show. Didn't I tell you honey?", she replied.

"Oh ..." I trailed off while trying to figure out what exactly would I be doing there.

"I need help setting up if you don't mind helping your dear old Auntie," she said looking at my eyes with a pouting face.

"No I'll help out" I said.

"Well go get ready quickly.

Your breakfast will get cold if you don’t.” she said opening the curtains that held the light to themselves. With one spread of her chubby hands, the light illuminated the dark room.

It was the summer light that filters through the lacy boughs of green where humming birds flutter with all their might, hovering over feeders red with sweetness and delight.

The small flower shop was a nice white looking cottage at the corner. Flowers were displayed in metal or plastic, water-filled buckets,according to their colors. They decorated the wooden shelves that could be seen through the clear glass with a red sign printed with white letters that said“For Sale”. These buckets were placed throughout the shop, on tables and on the floor. A refrigerated cooler was also featured prominently in the front portion of the shop so customers can see and even reach into it.

“Wow,” I whispered as my eyes scanned the small rooms filled with vivid colors.

“Haha seems like this is your first time seeing a flower shop,” Auntie chuckled while dropping her bags on the counter table.

“Hah, little Emily has never seen a flower shop how, c-u-t-e!”Katie added in with a smirk spread across her thin glossed lips.

“Not even that! Even her style shows that she has never seen a mall!” chuckled Clair with a roll of her eyes as she, in disgust, scanned from my chipping purple nail polish on my toes to my plain purple dotted tang top.

Anger flared in my system like a boiling pot. From the tip of my tong I could feel something sizzling like acid.

“SHUT UP!” I shouted.

Silence enveloped the atmosphere…

Aunt Lucy raised her eyebrows and in a split second looked at me and then at the four GG’s, who in their pink outfits, looked like small Barbie dolls.

“That’s enough girls. Let’s not get off topic okay. ” snapped Auntie, shoving watering cans at each of us to water the plants.

It was about 10:00 am when we were completely done cleaning and watering the plants. People began to enter for the flower show, which is basically a day when people come to see the flowers being displayed in various arrangements. Some are arranged in a human form or displayed surrounding small fountains in the small rooms in the shop.

I was sitting down on the bench with my phone next to me when Leila comes by.

“Uhhh…sorry about earlier. My sisters can be mean sometimes, but they don’t hate you, ya know.”She said while swinging her skinny legs back and forth. Leila is the most beautiful out of the GG’s.

She has a small white face which was encircled by her long wavy brown hair and had dark green eyes that can make you melt and cry if she was sad. Even though she is the third oldest of the girls, she was more quiet than the rest.

“Well…it’s …” before I could even finish my line, she quickly jumped off the bench and asked,"Hey how about we all hang out at the beach? I mean it’s not really far it’s only one block away.”

“Uh sure”, I said, surprised about her request. She smiled and turned away to tell the others.

Before I knew it, we were all walking together down the block. In a way, I was kind of excited to see the sea. If it weren't for Leila, I wouldn't be going in the first place. Katie and Marie, who are twins, seemed okay to have me hang out with them. This was weird. They're usually the ones who pick fights with me. The youngest one stayed with Auntie to help manage the shop.

"Hey before we go, take a glimpse of the sea lets go to the ice cream parlor!" Marie said clapping her hands in delight.

We sat outside, viewing the beach as we nibbled and licked our sweet, tasty ice cream. The weather was nice and hot; the typical summer.

"I'm so sorry for today, Emily. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Clair didn't mean to either; she's only 14 years old. Don't mind her.“ Katie said with a concerned face. Her face was a glow with the sun hitting her face.

To be honest, I really didn't know what to say. How could I not accept her apology? She was being too nice and even bought me ice cream and didn't mind me tagging along.

"Uh no problem Katie. It's okay. I'm actually surprised you’re apologizing. I should be the one apologizing," I said wholeheartedly. I looked at her and smiled.

Riinngg!! I glanced at Leila than at Marie. It was Katie's phone that was ringing. "Hello? Yes? Oh Nick! Yeah, I'm right here. Okay see you soon." Katie, with a smile, turned to Marie and Leila. "It's Nick he told me to meet him near the surfer board shack. I bet the others will be there.

I looked puzzled. Guys? I really didn't act right around guys for that matter. They're hard to communicate at times. In a quick second, I looked at Katie and at both Marie and Leila. "You guys can go on ahead I'll stay here for a while."

"You sure?" Katie asked, sounding a bit worried.

"Yeah, are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?" asked Leila.

"Yeah, I want to look around since it's been a while since I have seen the sea," I blurted out.

"Well it’s settled. Let's go girls. She has a phone so we'll call when we get back," Katie said, giving them a wink. "Alright, let's go then."

I bet they won’t come back for me.

Don’t make any assumptions without proof, I told myself. Until I had the urge to check my phone. I checked my pockets of my short jeans, but nothing was there.

It was empty.

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