Girl meets Boy

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The burning horizon peeped through the clouds, reflecting a variety of colors on the surface of the water.

I walked on the edges of the sea with my flip flops swinging on my finger. I found a nice isolated place to sit where huge rocks were piled up. The water repelled from the sides of the dark black rocks creating a loud swishing noise.

I sat there gazing at the sea that sparkled from the small light that stretched out from the sun peeking from the clouds. My eye vision became a blur and tears began trickling down my cheek.

I was infuriated and angry. I wanted to call my mom and go home. It's only been the second day and still my heart hurts from being apart from my parents. I don't want to be here with my stupid cousins and I don't want to sleep in someone else's house, but my own.

I sat there with my toes brushing the water creating small ripples again and again. When accidently my toe sunk into the sand beneath the shallow water and hit something really hard.

"Ouch" I moaned grabbing my foot from the water. My toe got scratched badly with a small cut that bled and throbbed with a sharp pain.

I bent down quickly to the surface of the clear blue water while pushing my dirty blond hair off my face. I could see something white and pink. I reached into the water rummaging through the sand and grabbed what my toe hit.

To my surprise it was a small size conch. It was white and smooth and had some type of glow to it.

I wiped my tears from my eyes and examined the conch's deep rims that encircled the small pink opening it had, almost like a mouth. It was really interesting how the sea can hold such treasures that no one knows about, almost like the way we hold secrets that cannot be told to anyone, unless it's discovered. I closed my eyes and took the conch shell, gently covered my right ear and listened closely. Maybe this conch can tell me a something.

Instead I catch the sound of big bare feet padding on the soft sand towards me.

"Hey, you watch out!" I heard a voice say.

I turned my head to see a multi colored beach ball fly right towards me, hitting me right on my forehead.


I heared a husky voice...

"Are you okay?"

I open my eyes to find a boy my age above me. He was slightly taller than me and slim, but all muscle. His skin was tan, but not to tan and his blond hair was spiked up. His dark blue eyes sliced into me, and the corners of his mouth tilted slightly up.

My voice quivers "Uh...yea"

I get up while rubbing my forehead. My hair tumbles down from the small bun onto my shoulders filled with sand. I blink twice and I soak in my surroundings.

"I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to hit you with the ball. I just kinda hit it too hard." He said looking at me worried.

I turned to the boy and stared at him. He was a real GUY! I mean I'm not good in talking with boys not that I hate them, but I just never really got over being shy around them which is why I always hang out with girls only.

"Are sure you're okay?" he asked again reaching out to me to grab my arm.

I fidgeted and moved away. My heart began to beat quickly.

Thump, thump, thump...

"I'm okay don't worry. Uhh..." I trailed off looking around on the sand for my sandals and the conch.

"Looking for these?" he asked handing me my purple flip flops and the small smooth white conch.

"Yea", I said looking away from his taunting eyes that sparkled from the bit of sunlight. He was so near me and we were on the same eye level as we sat squatted on the sand.

He laughed and said "You seem so quiet are you shy around guys?"

"Yea..." I blurted out.

"Hahaha don't worry I won't bother you, but can I ask you something?" he said as he gazed towards me.

"Sure", I said while getting up from the ground.

"How come you're all by yourself out here? Isn't it kind of late for you to be out here alone?" He said as he picked up the multi colored beach ball.

"I'm waiting for my cousins." I said while sliding my feet into my sandals.

"Oh really?! Well it's already 7:39!" he said showing me the screen of his cell phone.

I looked down at the sand and then at the conch. My eyes began to water I couldn't hold them in for long. They raced down my cheek before I could reply to him. I was alone in a place I didn't know. I didn't have no idea what the number were to call my Aunt or my cousins and mom.

I didn't even know where the flower shop was or where my Aunt lived.

"Hey don't cry..." he said coming closer to me.

"They aren't coming back for me... I don't know ...where they are and... where to go." I said covering my face with arm.

"Wait, hold on. You mean you're not from here? You're lost?" he said looking at me surprised.

"No, I'm just staying with my Auntie. I actually come from New York city."

"Really? That's cool. I'm from here; my dad owns a well known company not far from here." In the corner of my eye I notice two male figures racing down the shoreline with shocked, but sly expressions.

"Hey Dominic!" a black haired guy called out grinning.

He looked over at me and said "Trying to pick up that girl?"

"Hahaha no I just happened to bump into her. That's all." Dominic chuckled

"Yea, yea that's your line all the time" chimed in another guy who had short brown hair.I looked down as they chatted away. Than Dominic glanced at me and turned to the guys

"You guys can go on ahead without me. I need to take her to her Auntie since she's kind of lost?"

"Alright then I'll see you tomorrow" The black haired guy said and the other tagged along as they sped down the shore.

Dominic looked at me and smiled. His smile was amazing and the way he smiled was soothing like the feel of water. I blushed as he gazed into my eyes.

"Isn't it kind of weird? I never asked you your name", he chuckled.

I looked at him with dried tear stains on my cheek and said "My name is Emily. Emily Gilmore."

He took my hand and said "Emily, let's go find your Aunt"

Whisper of the Conch (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now