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Ps:This takes place the next school year.


"Hey Wednesday do you want to go to the rave'n with me?" I ask Wednesday without any thought. I realize what I said, I quickly stutter out"a-as a f-friend I m-mean." "Sure I guess" she seems disappointed, I'm unsure why. "Well that means we have to go dress shopping!" I say in a cheerful tone. "But the rave'n is in a week, why worry?" She replies. "But it's always good to be prepared!" I say. "Enid it's two in the morning we are not going clothes shopping," She stated. "I meant tomorrow silly," I giggle. She just turns around, and gets in her bed.


"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!" I scream in my head. My face is so fucking red right now, I just know it. Why is Enid so Cute? Does she like me? I mean she did stutter "I mean as a friend" almost like she thinks I don't like her. I lie down in my bed and fall asleep quickly

In The Morning

I get shaken awake by Enid. "Come on the shuttle leaves in 30 minutes!" She quickly states. "Alright alright, I'll get up," I say drowsily. I get up and get changed into a simple hoodie and jeans. Enid is wearing a pastel rainbow sweater and jeans. We head out to the shuttle loading area, and get on the shuttle.

20 Minutes Later

We get off the shuttle and head to a dress shop near by. We look around the shop, and find a couple of dresses. Enid try's a few on, until she finds a pastel blue dress. I try a few dark colored dresses and don't find anything particularly good. Then Enid gives me a simple black dress and I try it on and it fits perfectly. We head back to nevermore, and I continue on my newest novel.

The Day Of The Rave'n

Me and Enid are getting ready for the Rave'n, I'm putting on some make up while Enid is doing her hair. We finally finish getting ready for the Rave'n. We head to the Rave'n and we meet up with Enid's friends. I stay quiet because I don't really know these people that well. It's a very crowded space, I don't like people. I sigh, there's to many people hear. I get lost in my thoughts as I just stand next to Enid. I am quickly pulled out of my thoughts" hey Wednesday do you want to go outside with me?" She asks. "Sure I guess," I reply. We walk outside to the courtyard.


"Holy Shit, I can't believe I'm doing this," I lead Wednesday outside. I have liked Wednesday for so long. " Wednesday will you go out on a date with?" I ask. "A-aren't you s-scared of m-me using you?" she stutters. "I don't give a shit you know that right? why do you think I have been your friend for so long," I reply. "O-okay I'll g-go on a d-date with y-you" she stutters out. I lean in to kiss the beautiful stuttering face in front of me. We kiss and head back to our dorm. We fall asleep cuddling each other.

That took forever to write
Beaches or Mountains?

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