6 (part 1)

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Requested by Mazafakka


"I give my mom 30 seconds before her judge-y claws come out." That comment has bothered me for years, what if her family is rude to her? Or abuses her. I don't know and I don't want to make Enid feel uncomfortable by asking. We've only been married for a year, but I've only met her family during parents weeks at Nevermore, but we haven't been to Nevermore in years.

Enid has seemed uncomfortable these past few days. I decide to ask her about it. "Enid you seem upset are you okay, did something happen?" I ask. "My mom is demanding to meet my 'husband' aka you, and I'm so worried that she is going to disown me and I d-don't I d-don't know what to do," Enid falls into my arms and cry's. I hug my wife "It's going to be okay." She looks up" are you sure :'(." "I'm positive babe," I reply in a comforting way. "O-ok, but you'll protect me if my mum is rude to me right?" She asks quickly. "Of course," I smile.

A Few Days Later

"We can do this, we can do this, I can do this," Paces around the room worryingly. "It's going to be okay, E," I give a comforting smile. "Okay," she gives me a small smile.

We head to her family's house, it takes a long while to get there. We walk into her house, I see 2 brothers on the couch playing Mario Cart. They're screaming quite loudly. We continue walking farther into the house. "Mum I'm here!" Enid yells up the stairs. "Coming darling," her mum yells from upstairs. Her mum walks down the stairs. "How is my special wolfy doing?" Her mum asks. "I'm doing good mom," Enid reply's. "Where's that husband of yours, I'm surprised you could even find a mate," her mum says kinda coldly. "She's right here," Enid steps out of the way to reveal me. Her mom gets an angry look on her face. "I thought you would finally be good for something, but you can't even find a good mate!" Her mum yells at her. I look at Enid and she is crying. I step forward and hug her. "YOU ARE NO LONGER MY DAUGHTER!!!" Her mom yells. I quickly guide Enid out of the house.

I decide to take her to my parents house. The drive is quite long. I put on Enid's favorite favorite music. Enid calms down soon after we start driving.

We make it to my parents house. We head inside, I see my mom and dad kissing. Ew. Me and Enid sit down at the table. "Hey earth to parents," I say sarcastically. "Oh, Wednesday you finally decided to visit us," my mom say. "Only because Enid's mum disowned her," I answer. "She did what now!?" My mum says angrily. "Enid's mom disowned her," I say again. My mom stands dramatically. "That's it ima kill her mom," mum starts heading for dad's swords. "W-wait Wednesday's mom you don't have to do that," Enid quickly says. I put my hand on Enid's shoulder" It's okay, she'll make sure your mom will have a quick death." Enid smiles "you always know what to say, now c'mon we've got a house to burn down:)." I did not know how scary Enid could be.

To Be Continued :)

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