(Christmas Special!)

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(Ps: They are doing a college reunion)

"I don't see why we need to do this Enid," I state. " Oh c'mon it's gonna be so fun!" She says enthusiastically. "I'm not going to go to some stupid Christmas party," I say. "Please," she says, giving the sweetest face she can. "Fine," I sigh. "When is it anyway?" I ask. "Tomorrow!" She cheerfully states. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!?" I ask loudly. "Idk, I was just to lazy ig," she says. I sigh," whatever."

It has been a few years since we got married, my family was quite excepting. Her's on the other hand, was not so much. Her mom pretty much disowned her. Her father was accepting, so was her siblings. Enid cut off her mom as soon as she could, unfortunately she has to see her mom every once in a while. Our life together has been quite good. We still haven't told our friends from Nevermore and college, I hope they're excepting of us.

The Next Day

We are getting ready for the reunion. Enid makes me wear a dark green dress that matches her red dress. Although she does look so fucking cute. I'm still mad she made me wear a color other than black, at least it's a dark color. We start heading to the reunion, apparently it's at Yoko's house. I've learned that she is very rich, and has a giant ass mansion. Although I only heard this from Enid, and she tends to exaggerate, so idfk. Anyways we make it to the house, and we go inside. Enid was definitely not exaggerating when she said Yoko had a mansion. After Enid says hi to pretty much everyone there. We find a sofa to sit onn and a couple people come over to chat. After a while I get up to get some drinks for the group. I run into Xavier. "Hey haven't seen you in a while, you still single," he says, probably hoping to start a conversation. "Hi, and I'm married," I say sternly. He seems upset"well okay, see ya around I guess." I guess he would be upset, he has liked me since high school.

I return to the group, and hand everyone their drinks. "You okay?" Enid whispers to me. "I'm fine, just ran into Xavier tho,"
I whisper back." Did he try anything?" She asks in a protective tone. "Nah, he asked if I was single, I said I was married, that shut him up real quick,l I reply. "Hey whatcha whispering about?" Someone I don't know asks. "Nothing" Enid answers. Wke continue the conversation.

Me and Enid decide we are ready to tell our friends we are married. So when everyone starts talking about their boyfriendsa and girlfriends. When everyone looks at us waiting for us to tell them who we are dating. I grab Enid's hand and say"Me and Enid got married about 3 years ago." There are mixed reactions in the group, but they are mostly good reactions. A lot of people tell is congrats for the rest of the night. Also we get drunk, very drunk.

In The Morning

I wake up dazed and confused. My head is pounding so fucking much. How much did I drink? I look over and see Enid next to me. I gently shake her awake. We are still in Yoko's house, and on the same sofa. So we didn't do anything crazy, that's good. I look around, there are people passed out everywhere on the floor. I look up and some of the vampires are hanging on the chandelier. We partied like it was the last day on earth. Enid sits up and says" We should probably go home." "Yeah we should," I answer. We get up and collect our things, a few people have gotten up and are eating food. We head out to our car and drive home.

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