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"Hey Wednesday, since you got a phone. Can I show you an app?" I ask. " Sure I guess." She replies as she is writing on her type writer. She gets up and hands me her phone, with the App Store open. I search up Wattpad and download it on her phone. "What is this?" She questions. "It's Wattpad, since you like writing maybe you could put your story on this," I answer. "Perhaps I could try this... app I suppose," she says. " I bet a lot of people will read it!" I say positively. "Oh!, and if you get enough reads Wattpad will publish your book!" I add. "I doubt that..." she reply's negatively. "It's not bad to dream," I say playfully.

Next Day

I got little sleep, cause Wednesday stayed up all night converting her first book on Wattpad. I still managed to go through the day. When I got back to the dorm, I saw Wednesday looking at her phone. So I decided not to talk to her. A half hour later Wednesday is still looking at her phone. This is the longest I have seen Wednesday look at her phone. "Wednesday this is the longest I have seen you look at your phone, you good?" I ask. "I'm fine, I'm just surprised at how many people have already read my book," she replys. "How many?" I question. "900k people have read my story, I posted it only last night. It's seems almost impossible that, that many people have read my story overnight," she replys. I'm surprised at how many people have read her story. "Wow your book could be published by Wattpad!" I say excitedly. "Like that could happen"she's said sarcastically. She looks back at her phone.

" I got a email from WattPad asking to publish my book," she says not surprised for some reason. "HOLY SHIT!!! THAT IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!!!" I say excitedly.

She emails them back and gets her book published over a matter of days. Apparently she beat the writer of Frankenstein in publishing her book at a younger age, idk what she means but okay. Anyways she manages to publish her next book and gets a lot of books purchased.

A Few Years Later

"Will you marry me?" She asks me, on one knee. "YES YES YES I WILL!!!" I reply excitedly. We get married and we live a long happy life in a big ass mansion, with thing.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just haven't had the motivation to write in a while


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I prefer books.

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