Chapter 28: Duel with Destined Rivals

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After being flung by Dedede & Meta Knight, Kirby ended up on a rocky battleground. Wherever he had ended up, it clearly wasn't in Cephalon HQ. At least, it didn't look like it.

Kirby: Ugh... Man that really hurt.

Dedede: Well, the hurting ain't over yet, Kirby.

Kirby then turned around to see Dedede and Meta Knight land nearby.

Meta Knight: Our rivalry will end today, here and now.

Kirby then got ready to fight. Dedede tossed a hammer towards him, and Meta Knight tossed a sword. Kirby looked at the weapons, then at Dedede & Meta Knight.

Meta Knight: Choose your weapon.

Dedede: Hammer or sword?

Rather than choose either weapon, Kirby took out his Hero Blaster and shot both of them away.

Kirby: You think I'm just gonna follow your rules after you guys try to cheat? News flash, this place ain't Popstar. So now, we're gonna play by Inkopolis rules.

Meta Knight: Hmph. Fine.

Dedede: Well, it's your funeral.

Kirby then took aim with his Hero Blaster and started shooting at Dedede & Meta Knight. Both of them moved out of the way before the shots could hit them.

Dedede: Since when did you use weapons like these?

Kirby: Since I first came to this world!

Dedede then readied some Gordos and tossed them at Kirby, who countered by shooting them back. Dedede dodged the first few, but got hit by the last one.

Dedede: So you have some skill with that weapon.

Meta Knight: That alone won't be enough to win you this fight.

Kirby: We'll see about that.

Meta Knight then rushed toward Kirby, ready to strike with his sword. Kirby then swapped to his Herobrush, and swung a few times, causing some ink to blind the masked swordsman.

Meta Knight: Argh! I cannot see!

While Meta Knight was blinded, Kirby swapped to his Hero Roller and swung, flinging Meta Knight away.

Dedede: Hey, that wasn't fair!

Kirby: All's fair in love and Turf War, Dedede!

Meanwhile, Liza, Coral & Lance had managed to reach the battleground where Kirby, Dedede & Meta Knight were fighting. They were currently watching quietly in hopes that they wouldn't distract Kirby.

Dedede: Alright then. Let's see you deal with this!

Dedede then threw two hammers. Kirby was able to deflect one of them, but he got hit by the other.

Kirby: Ouch!

After hitting Kirby with the hammer, Dedede tossed some more Gordos. Kirby tried to dodge them, but while he did so, Meta Knight then struck with Upper Calibur, catching Kirby off guard.

Meta Knight: I'm afraid you won't be able to win this battle, Kirby.

That's when Kirby's friends stepped in to help. Coral then readied her Hero Charger and shot Meta Knight as he got ready to deal a final blow to Kirby.

Dedede: What the?!

Kirby looked over at his friends and smiled.

Kirby: Guys! Over here!

Coral, Lance and Liza then super jumped over to Kirby.

Lance: You alright, Kirb?

Kirby: I will be. Now let's deal with these two.

Coral: You got it!

Liza: Yeah!

Meta Knight then got up and flew back a bit. He then used his power to make four clones of himself. The clones then flew toward Dedede, who inhaled them. He then fired, using the Meta Knight clones as projectiles. Kirby and his friends then hit them with ink, which blinded Meta Knight once again. Kirby then used his Herobrush to fling Meta Knight away, knocking him into Dedede.

Liza: I think we're doing okay.

Coral: Sure looks like it.

Lance: When we team up, nothing can take us down.

Meta Knight then lifted some rocks up and Dedede started flinging them at Kirby & his friends.

Dedede: It ain't over yet!

Meta: This doesn't end until one team falls.

Kirby then deflected the rocks with his Hero Roller.

Kirby: Well it's not gonna be us that go down!

Dedede charged up a swing, then swung, causing the final rock to be flung very fast. But just before the rock could hit Kirby's friends, Kirby swung his Roller and reflected it, knocking it back.

Dedede & Meta Knight: Uh oh...

The rock hit both of Kirby's old rivals, knocking them out cold. Kirby then let out a small sigh before looking at his friends.

Kirby: Thanks for coming to lend me a hand, guys.

Lance: No worries.

Coral: That's what friends do.

Liza: We're just glad you're okay.

After a short moment, Dedede & Meta Knight got up.

Dedede: Ugh... Boy, that's a headache if I ever had one.

Kirby then went up to them.

Kirby: You two okay?

Dedede: Kirby? What're you doing here?

Meta Knight: Where exactly is here?

Kirby: Let me explain everything...

Kirby then went on to explain what happened.

Dedede: So those Octo-creeps must've brainwashed us when we got here.

Meta Knight: We ended up finding a strange pipe a few weeks before you showed up here in Octo Canyon. That must've been when the Octarians got us.

Kirby: That would explain why everything seemed so quiet back in Dream Land. But at least you two are okay now.

Dedede: Yeah, but what about that Callie girl you're looking for?

Meta Knight: She's still under Octavio's influence...

Kirby: Don't worry. My friends and I are planning to help her next.

Coral: Yeah.

Liza: We promised Marie we'd help her save Callie.

Lance: And that's what we're gonna do!

Kirby: For now, let's head back to Cephalon HQ.

Dedede: What about us?

Kirby: I'll drop you two off in Tentakeel Outpost. You should be able to rest up and recover over there.

Meta Knight: Very well.

With that, Kirby called a Warp Star for him, Dedede & Meta Knight.

Kirby: You guys head back to Cephalon HQ. I'll meet you guys there.

Liza: Got it.

Liza, Coral & Lance then went back to Cephalon HQ while Kirby took Dedede & Meta Knight to Tentakeel Outpost so they could rest.

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