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Jazmine's POV

We've been to... maybe 9 or 10 states. It was okay, the fun thing was meeting their fans. They're not fans of me but I did gain like 10k followers on Twitter ever since the first meet and greet/concert.

I knew they followed me only to make sure they don't miss anything about the boys, if I do post anything about or with them. Although I knew they weren't my fans they are still really nice.

One time a fan shoved her phone into Luke's face, and it was funny. The girl never got her photo, just a close up on his barely shaved beard.

We only have five more states to go through then we're heading back to Cali. Right now we are on our way to St. Paul, Minnesota. Management decided, do the boys and I that we take the plane for the rest of the trips.

Plane rides are fun and all but I'd rather take the long way home. You know drive around and go site seeing.

Each state had only one appearance but when we head back to Cali, they're gonna have 3.


"AHHHHH! ARE YOU SHITTING ME!" I scream as I nearly go deaf.

All the boys start laughing and I'm over here trying to get my ears checked.

"Did you see her face?" Calum laughs, the boys going along with him. The loudest being Luke.

My first instinct knew it was Luke.

The boys all exited the plane, one by one, Luke being last. I grabbed my backpack walking towards the exit of the plane, where Luke was standing gathering his things.

I punched his arm as hard as I can and quickly ran down the pathway to the luggage pickup. I like that we sat in the front of the plane than the back. Everyone in the back is always last to get off the plane.

I quickly passed the crowd of girls and rush into the SUV which was going to take us to the building where the boys would do their thing as a band.

"Cute picture Huh?" Michael leans over the back of his seat and turns to me.

"Are you kidding?Please delete that!" I said frustratingly.

"No and its only a picture. Luke has a video!" Michael says and slams himself back into his chair.

I stretch my legs over the chair trying to hold my skirt from showing anything. Fitting myself between Michael, on my left, and Luke, on my right.

"Hey.... why'd you punch me?" Luke asked.

"You blew the air horn in my ear!" I shouted and the car swiveled. "sorry.." I told the driver.

"That wasn't me" Luke said. "It was Michael who did that"

"Why are you lying??" I got closer to him, trying to smash Luke into the door but failing.

"Here watch the video" Luke gets out his phone and gives me the other side of the ear phones.

We watched the video together and I see that Luke wasn't lying. Michael... Michael... Michael. I will get him back.

"See... It was Michael." Luke looked at me sincerely. "why would you think it was me?"

"because you... you always....." I paused. " nothing I just assumed"

"okay... do.. do you want me to delete the video?" he asked.

"uh.. no, just keep it. Although I do look ugly and weird and all, it's pretty funny" I slightly laugh.

"don't say that" Luke demands.

"Say what?" I wonder.

"That you're ugly... because you're not" Luke placed his hand on my inner thigh.

"Luke... why are you so complicated?" I ask him and he removes his hand from my thigh, pulling my skirt back down, right about my knee. He then pulls my hand into his.

"Because you make me this way" he said and I lay my head onto his broad shoulders.

' because you make me this way'. What was that suppose to mean? I make him this way?!? He makes me this way. All confused and everything!

I'm screaming in the inside but on the outside I'm just here holding hands with Luke. The same Luke that lies about me and most of the time makes me feel like crap.


I know this is a really short chapter but I think I have writers block or something.

I promise I'll update more, probably not but I will try.

Sorry for this junk chapter, the next will be better and much longer.

Thanks for reading! :)

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