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NB : i won't be posting as often as I used to so please be patient with me! By the way this is book two of HER WINGS UNFOLDED. .. ... Much love & Happy Reading!



MaJiyane : "You told me you had got the best team Lawrence!"

Lawrence : "I swear babe. This must have been an inside job."

MaJiyane : "I don't give a sh#t! I trusted you Law! What is this now? I thought you were smart!"

Lawrence : "You insulting me now Nonny."

MaJiyane : "I'm sorry but I just....." She just breaks down and cries.

Lawrence : "It's okay baby I understand." He says brushing her back smoothly as she was in his arms.

MaJiyane : "I hate him Law , with everything in me. He took away my son and my only granddaughter from me?! I can't go back there."

Lawrence : "Baby please calm down , I lost my son too and granddaughter. I hate him just as much if not more."

MaJiyane : "I wanna kill him so bad." She cries.

Lawrence : "Don't worry about it baby , I'll take care of it." He leads her to bed , they get in bed and cuddle until she falls asleep.


MaGasa : "Sthandwa sami , eat please." She begs a silently crying Hlonela.

Nela : "I'm okay Khulu."

Ndlovu : "I'll take it from here." He says walking in. He sits on the bed next to her before peeling the covers slowly from her.

Ndlovu : "Sit up." She does and bab'Ndlovu just engulfs her in a big hug as she wails.

Nela : "I am so tired of everything mkhulu. Kanti mina ngilethelwe ukuthwala kanzima emhlabeni?! Akaze ngithole ukuthula nenjabulo ephelele mina , njalo mina kumele kubekhona okuzongiphoxa noma kungiphuce injabulo! Ngikhathele!" She wailed loudly and painfully.

Ndlovu : "Amyoli mntanami , konke kuyandlula futhi akukho ndlovu yasindwa umboko wayo. You will get through this and it'll all be something you look back and smile about ngoba uzobe ufunde lukhulu and because it made you stronger then before. I love you baby."

Nela : "Thank you mkhulu." Mandla enters the room carrying Nkosenye who immediately cries , they hand him over to his mom.

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