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I was now back in my house and I was glad that they all respected me and didn't nag me about staying there. Right now I was really angry at all of them. I mean these people watched me suffer and neglect my baby boy but they never had the decency to give me a clue that Nathi is alive!?! Even after I was admitted three times in a mental instituition , they continued 'supporting' me and pushing me to be better while the person behind all my suffering was all alive and well?! Okay maybe I might be exaggerating since I haven't heard Nathi's side of the story but I mean it's only fair that i get angry.

I was currently busy baking and Nkosenye was asleep , it was still very early in the morning by the way. A very soft knock came through , I immediately panicked.

Voice : "Nela , it's me mfethu." He whispered. I clicked my tongue and went to open for him.

Me : "What are you doing here? It's only 4:30 in the morning! Ufunani?!"

Nathi : "to see you and my son."

Me : "And you thought this time would be right to rock up in my doorstep?!" He shook his head innocently

Nathi : "I can't be be out and about during the day here Nela , they'll find me."

Me : "Oh I forgot that you a ghost." I said rolling my eyes. I led him to the lounge and he sat on the couch then I went back to the kitchen. I made him a cup of coffee and some of the cupcakes that were already baked.

Nathi : "Thank you." He said as I placed the plate infront of him , I nodded and turned back

Nathi : "Oh uhm... Nela." I turned back to him

Me : "Sho?"

Nathi : "I don't drink coffee anymore."

Me : "wh..y... nevermind. Hot chocolate?" He smiles and nods. I go back to the kitchen and make him that then go give him.

Nathi : "Thanks." I leave him there and go continue with my baking. After finishing baking , I start with breakfast then dish up for the both of us.

Me : "here." I give him his plate of food then sit opposite him with my own plate.

Nathi : "Ngiyabonga baby." We eat in silence and him stealing glances at me every minute. When we done , i return the dishes to the kitchen to wash them

Nathi : "Don't worry , i'll wash them babe , for now can we talk please" i nod. I let him take my hand and lead me to the lounge and sit on the two sitter couch. I also think it's time we talk and I , to find my closure.

Me : "where have you been Nathi?" He holds my hand in his and keeps on brushing the back of my hand with his palm of the other hand.

Nathi : "I've been in Russia."

Me : "Doing what there when you know you left me with two kids?"

Nathi : "I honestly didn't know where i was also babe until last year. I had been recovering , i was stuck in coma for a year then i woke up last year with amnesia so that also delayed me. I promise."

Me : "Don't flippen lie to me Nathi!" I shout.

Nathi : "I swear baby , i am not lying. After i woke up from coma a year later , i spent 4 months suffering with amnesia so i had nowhere to go until an old couple that had brought me to Russia came for me and i lived with them. They were patient with me until i regained some of my memory , the old couple that helped me were one of our trusted good clients. Apparently my boss was the one who faked my death."

Me : "Your story isn't making any sense." He sighed heavily then wiped his eyes.

Nathi : "Baby , i myself don't understand sh*t they told me explaining all this." I sigh. His eyes were red and he kept on making small sounds i didn't understand.

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