Chapter 8: As Red As Kai's GI

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~|Lloyd's POV|~

"Guys! There's a break in at the mall!" Jay ran in to the lounge.

What.... Wasn't Rumi there with Nya and Skylor? I know The red head and the ravenette will be fine, but Rumi? I worry about her for some particular reason. I sprung up off the couch, running to press a button by the TV. Thank the First Spinjitsu Master that Pixel and Zane got the elevator and the vehicles fixed. Or we'd be in a little bit of a pickle. I got to the bottom floor and ran out of the lift—hopping in my car. The same goes for the others.

On the road to Ninjago City, I was going a little faster than normal. Why was I so worried? I was never this scared going to a mission before. It's like I was trying to stop what I couldn't in the past. Knowing I have multiple responsibilities; I feel like I have another one I don't know of yet. But it feels more than just a responsibility, I can't quite find the words to explain it, but I feel I need to protect it. Whatever it is.....

"Lloyd, is something the matter? You're going 9.53km faster than antisapated. And you're heart level has risen drastically." Zane spoke up through the intercoms.

I jumped out of shock slightly. I zoned out, and everyone was so quiet at the moment; it just took me be suprise.

"Uh yea I'm fine, Zane. Just itching for some action...." I gave him an unsure answer.

"That's not like you..." Kai blurted.

"I agree with Kai on this one. You're usually exhausted after a big fight like the Crystal King." Jay added on.

"Well.. the constant training you do everyday definitely doesn't cut that." Cole commented on Jay's agreement.

"You sure everything is okay, Lloyd?" Kai sympathetically asked.

"Mhm! Never been better!" I replied with a fake tone of excitement. Hopefully they bought it. I don't want to become a burden everyone has check up on every so often. I can handle my own problems. The green ninja doesn't have any troubles, everyone in Ninjago seems to think. Heheh.....

The guys and I managed to get to the Ninjago Mall no problem. Now for the action inside.

"Ready, Ninja?!" I yelled after everyone got out of their vehicles.

"NINJAAAA GOOOO!!!" The five of us yelled, running towards the building; pulling our hoods down. 

We ran through the halls of the mall. I saw Nya and Skylor drop their things to run with us. They must have caught on what was happening. Turning a corner, coming to a full stop, I saw that police lines were already up around the scene. Was it the new ninja that took the thugs out? God I hate those fakes.

"Wha-? Who did the job for us this time!?" Jay pouted. Crossing his arms and stomping the ground. "First it was, Samurai X before we found out it was Nya, then it was the 'new ninja' NOW THIS?!" He spoke quickly.

Kai face palmed.

"Jay, we should be grateful for someone elses bravery to step up to the foe. We can't protect everyone in Ninjago." Zane stated to Jay.

"Oohh, but still." Jay continued to pout.

I wasn't really listening to any of their conversation. I was too busy scanning the site. But I knew Jay was going on about how angry he was, someone doing our job for us.

"Harumi...." I mumbled, pulling off my hood. Looking at her from afar on a paramedic bench.

"Huh? What was that Lloyd?" Jay asked to repeat what is said.

I ran off towards the scene. It was Harumi? She took out the thugs?

"Wait, Lloyd!" Kai yelled.

"Leave him... He's having one of those moments." Nya grabbed his arm.

Cole sighed, crossing his arms.


"Rumi!" I called out.

She turned her head to face me. "Lloyd!"

I stopped infront of her, taking a breath. I examined her from head to toe. I noticed her new stitches on her arm and a few on her neck.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" I say as I take a gentle grasp of her arm to get a better look.

"Never been better!" She answered with excitement in her  tone of voice. "See I took out the crooks!"

She kind of acted like a 6 year old, who felt proud of themselves for what they've accomplished.  Every good deed never goes unpunished, and she gets herself hurt.

"And you also got yourself hurt. Never do that again. I don't want you getting harmed." I shot a protective glare at her.

"Wha-...?" She was a little taken back. "Lloyd, I can help with the crime around Ninjago!" She got up off the bench. "What am I supposed to do? Sit around and look pretty? I don't want to be a drag around the monastery."

I stood there for a minute to come up with something to say back. Urgh. Why can't I think of anything? Did she put a spell on me to lose the ability to find the right words? I know I can't keep her cooped up it the monastery walls. That's the struggle with living with someone that has a rebellious personality.

"What? Can't come up with anything to say to me?" She gave me a smug grin.

God I love her smile. There's something about it that I can't put my finger on. It gives me butterflies.... Heheh.... Butterflies are pretty... Like her- UH... Like her new hair clip that she has on.! Yea that's it! The hair clip!

"Uhm, Lloyd? Is anyone home?" Harumi was waving a hand infront of my face.

"....Huh? What?" I must have zoned out. "Sorry... Just lost in thought... Come on! Let's head back to the monastery."

She grabbed her bags of the things she bought. I got a slight glance at a hoodie she purchased...

"Was that a picture of me?" I thought to myself..

I grabbed her free hand subconsciously, taking her back to the others.

"Lloyd, where did you run off to?" Was the first question I was shot at by Kai, before noticing, Rumi. "Ooh... Off to grab a girl are we?" He teased.

I didn't say anything to him for a moment—just shot a dirty look at him with a tint of red. No I wasn't. Kai. I mocked his name.

"Then explain why the both of you are holding hands?" Cole invited himself to the conversation.

I looked at Harumi, then to our hands locked together. "Uh.." the both of us let go.

Jay began to laugh. "You should see the look on your faces! The both of you are blushing as red as Kai's GI!" He said before getting elbowed by Nya.

"Leave them alone." Nya said before examining the both of us. "Ooh... Harumi.. what happened to your arm and neck?"
The rest of the guys saw it as well.

"Evil never sleeps.... Neither do crooks robbing a small grocery store." She answered.

They all put the pieces together, but Jay must have been the quickest, other than Zane. "YOU WERE THE ONE THAT TOOK THE THUGS OUT!!!" Jay began screeching. He kept babbling on about how we should have done it and not her.

Nya had just about enough of it, and splashed Jay with water. Everyone besides Rumi and I started to scold at Jay for causing a scene in the mall.

"Urgh.. can we leave now!" Skylor spoke up. "All of you are acting like children."

"Hey look it's the ninja!" All of us heard.

"Yea I think that's our que." Cole stated, already leaving the building.

We followed behind him out the mall, and made our way to the vehicles. Skylor was going to drive the sports car the girls took to get here. Nya got in with Jay in his storm glider, parked on the empty side of the lot. And Rumi got in with me. You know what the rest got in.


As soon as we got back, Rumi disappeared to her room.
"Then explain why the both of you are holding hands?"
I had replaying in my head on loop. I blushed. Why did I grab her hand? I just did it. Like it was an instinct. Maybe I'm just tired. I had a crazy day.

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