part 17

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"F...Felix?" Hyunjin stuttered, his eyes wide as he breathlessly stared at the male

As if it was in a flash, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces at the sight before him

Felix had dark circles around his eyes, red-ish eyes from tears, messy hair and wet cheeks from crying

"Felix!" Hyunjin jolted to his feet, rushing to the male as he crouched down, about to pull the male into his arms when the male let out a gut wrenching scream

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Felix jolted up on his feet, screaming as if he was begging for the male to hold him once again

"Felix I'm...I'm so sorry" the male choked out, trying to get close to the male once again but was met with the male's hand pushing against his chest

"DON'T COME NEAR ME!" He yelled, running his shaking hand through his hair, pushing the strands of hair that covered his eyes back, allowing Hyunjin to see his eyes clearly

His pupils were constricted, his iris shook and vibrated at fast pace as the white around them turned a faint red from crying so much

It only broke Hyunjin more to see that he was the cause of this, but it was his chance to fix it

"Lixxie come back to me" He let out, taking slow steps closer to the male as Felix started to breathe heavier

"STOP...PLEASE! OR..." his eyes darted from every corner of the room, landing on a pair of sharp scissors that freely layed in the center of his bed

He grabbed the scissors with his shaky hand and put his arm in the air, holding it tight as if he was about to stab the male

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He threatened, his heart hurting at every word he said

He had gone insane, but it was expected. After all the shit he's been through for the past couple of years, you'd expect him to be in a mental hospital already

From his aunt dying infront of him, to the separation from his maniacal grandparents, to the bullying throughout middle school, to his ex cheating on him.

From his cousin getting arrested infront of him, to the drug and alcohol abuse, to his trusted uncles molesting him, to his parents disowning him and now to losing the one person who had kept him going

He had every right to somehow become a serial killer and kill everyone he felt deserved it. He had every right kill his family, he had every right to kill Hyunjin

But he wouldn't kill them, especially Hyunjin. He had gotten top attached to Hyunjin. Hyunjin was his life support. Killing him was like committing suicide

"Felix put the scissors down" Hyunjin gulped, raising his arms in a calming motion as he timidly rook a step closer to the male

"HYUNJIN PLEASE STAY AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!" He cried loud, almost dropped the object as his hands started to rapidly shake

"Felix...put it down" He muttered once again, sweat rolling down his bare torso as he came closer to the male

Hyunjin gulped once again, boldly rushing to the male in more of a running form as he dropper his arms a bit lower

Felix panicked, letting out a short scream as his hand subconsciously swung forward, hearing the male grunt before he was captured in Hyunjin's arms

He dropped the scissors, tears starting to roll down his dried up face as his body shook in the familiar form of embrace

Oh how much he missed Hyunjin's hugs the hugs that could instantly light up his world, the hugs that could instantly erase all of Felix's past trauma

All he needed was a hug full of comfort and affection, something his parents weren't capable of giving him

He was washed down with a mix of emotions but one stuck out in particular once he heard the male grunt in pain

His eyes darted to the side, widening even more ,which seemed imposed, as they were met with a stream of blood flowing down the males shoulder

"H...Hyunjin I'm so s... I'm so sorry I didn't- I didn't mean to hurt yo—"

"It's fine" He spoke, sucking in a deep breath through his nose. "It's just a bit of blood" He muttered, letting that breath go as he shut his eyes tight

At that very moment, all Felix could do was break out into tears, wrapping his arms tightly around Hyunjin's torso as he cried into the crook of the male's neck

Hyunjin's heart only pained more as he felt Felix's chest move in a weird way from his irregular breathing pattern caused by the tears

As if his heart didn't hurt enough, the wound that stretched from his shoulder to the higher part of his bicep started to hurt aswell

It wasn't as deep as he expected it to be, it just stung like hell and leaked more blood than anticipated

As much as it hurt his cut, his lifted his arm and entangled his fingers in Felix's hair, holding the back of his head as his other hand rubbed circles on his back

Hyunjin was taken by suprise as Felix's body suddenly went limp, catching the male as they both kneeled to the ground

Whilst holding the male tight, Hyunjin scooted backwards until he felt his back press against the cold wall

He pulled Felix into his lap, letting the male's legs rest at his sides as his arms hung on his shoulder, serving as a pillow for his own head as he continued to let out unending tears

Just as Hyunjin thought he'd be doing this for another few hours, Felix pulled away and wiped his tears away with a choke escaping his lips

The second their eyes met, Hyunjin felt like they were alone, only the two of them existed in the whole universe

Felix looked into Hyunjin's eyes, finding something that he really was searching for ever since he was young

Undying love

He leaned in, their noses now a few millimeters apart as a breath escaped Hyunjin's lips, sending chills down Felix's spine

It didn't take much time for Hyunjin to realize what the male wanted but he was still held back by a sentence he needed to say

"I'm so sorry Li—" He was cut of by Felix's finger pressing against his thick bottom lip, being the only thing that kept them apart

"Don't make me hate you again...okay?" Felix said, his eyes not detaching from Hyunjin's lips

His finger fell down as his hand cupped the male's cheek, caressing his cheek as Hyunjin did the same to Felix's hips

And at the moment, Felix softly layed his lips onto Hyunjin's lips, feeling a foreign feeling erupt in his stomach

It was love. True love

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