part 38

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Long chapter since I've been really inactive



By the time Hyunjin's eyes finally fluttered open, his face still smooched against his arm that he leaned against the window, various movies still playing at his seat as the blanket he draped over himself slipped down to his ankles, he realised they were close to landing

He was getting closer and closer to seeing the love of his life

So why did he feel so sick? Why had his stomach twisted in a way that'd either make you vomit your intestines out, or in a way that'd be the after effect of a heartbreak?

It couldn't be heartbreak, could it? I mean, from what he knew, the two were very much still in love, and he was still willing to fix all his faults

And he was sure Felix was waiting for him more fondly than anyone else

So why did he feel this way? Why did he feel like his stomach was going to fall out of his body, alongside his heart?

He shook of the nauseating feeling and thoughts. It wasn't time to panic when he knew he'd get to see his everything in a few minutes

The woman beside him noticed how he broke out in a sweat, but was too hesitant to say anything, so she reached in her pocket and handed him a piece of candy

Hyunjin looked at the hand stretched out to him, holding the red and white candy wrapper with its contents inside, and then at the woman who held it out

"I uh..." she stumbled on her words, "I noticed how troubled you looked" she nervously chucked. "There's nothing a piece of candy can't fix, yeah?"

Hyunjin looked at the woman with tears welling up in his eyes. Something about this woman reminded him of the old lady he was so fond of

Her smile started to fade and worry started to shine in her face at the lack of response from the young man, causing her to slowly pull her hand back as she mumbled apologies. "N-Nevermind, I shouldn't have-"

Before she could continue, she felt Hyunjin's hand gently hold her's from under, and use the other to take the candy from her hands

He looked her in her eyes, noticing she suffered from heterochromia judging by how her one eye was hazel brown, and the other was a teel green shade, he noticed how weak that eye was

"Thank you" he spoke and cracked a smile at her priceless expression, at how her smile came back bigger and brighter as she tried to bite it back

"You're welcome" she whispered as she momentarily rubbed small soothing circles on the back of his hand with her thumb, before they both pulled away

She turned her attention back to her six year old son, who had been sleeping beside her before he woke up to the sound of his mother speaking to some stranger

Hyunjin felt like he could burst out in tears right there. He never knew the world consisted of kind people like this

He always thought Felix was the only kind hearted human you could encounter at this day and age, but i guess he was wrong

But that didn't erase the fact that Hyunjin still saw Felix as the purest human being on the planet. Nobody was as kind as Felix was to Hyunjin

Felix was simply just perfect in Hyunjin's eyes, whether that'd be appearance wise or just how pure and loving his soul was

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