part 25

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Felix's mind was filled with so many questions

Why did Hyunjin just up and leave?

Did he not want to be around him anymore?

Was he tiring Hyunjin?

Why was he crying?

Did Felix do something wrong?

Was he really going to come back?

"Felix, calm down" Chan spoke, pulling the younger male into a comforting hug

Minho sat on his bed, lost in his thoughts, also confused as to why the male had left

Left with no explanation

"I..I can't help but blame mys-self" Felix wailed, clutching the male's shirt as he dug his nails in his palms through the shirt

"I'm so confused...I thought he loved me. I-I thought...I thought I was enough of a r-reason to make him stay"

It hurt Chan most to see the male like this. A part of him was also confused while the other part of him was going through a bundle of emotions

He hesitated to say what was on his mind in fear of hurting the male but he figured that if he didn't let the male know, it'd just hurt him more

"Minho, can we private?" Chan suddenly spoke, making Minho's ears perk up in the least bit

The male simply nodded, scared of saying anything, scared of somehow hurting the brunette who was sensitive to anything in this situation

Felix watched with teary eyes as the two older males walked out of the room, Chan sending the male a simple soft smile before he shut the door

Minho's head dropped as the male turned his gaze to him, scared of looking up at the agitated male Chan was to become

"Did you know about any of this?" Chan asked, involuntarily giving the male an annoyed eye

"The fuck do you think, smart ass?!" Minho clapped back, making sure to hush his voice to not worry the younger in the room

"What should we do? This is fucked up" Chan said, rubbing his temples as he tapped his foot on the floor

"You seem pissed"

"I am pissed! Who the fuck does Hyunjin think he is?!" Chan snapped, pulling the male further into the lounge, creating more distance between the two of them and Felix

"This isn't the first time Felix has come to me crying because of Hyunjin. It happens constantly, more than it should for a fucking couple"

Minho bit his lip, considering what the male was getting at but still hesitating to agree

"As much as they've helped eachother in the past, Hyunjin changed something in their bond. And if they don't let go of it, someone is gonna get seriously hurt" Chan stated

"And what do you want us to do, huh? We can't do shit except comforting Felix when he needs it. Because you and I both know, matter of fact, the whole group knows that no matter what happens, they will go back to eachother" Minho stated, sending a pang in Chan's chest

"That's the problem. It won't last if that keeps happening. You can't be lecturing Hyunjin every month because he fucked and I can't keep comforting Felix every month because Hyunjin did some dumb shit" Chan argued, getting restless with every second passing

"I mean look at how Felix was like a month ago. He was broken, he relapsed, he fucking cut Hyunjin open and that was all because Hyunjin couldn't stop being a fuck-up" chan stated, putting emphasis on the last word as much as it hurt him to call his friend that

"I get that but look at how happy Felix has become ever since Hyunjin finally asked him out. They need eachother Chan" Minho pitched, feeling somewhat proud of how he was defending the male he yelled at a month ago

"But they need to let go of eachother at the same time"

"Are you saying that they should break up?" Minho asked in disbelief

Chan hesitated but spoke his mind nonetheless. "It might be a painful process but it's for the better"

"And how are you gonna pitch the idea to them both? You can't. We're not in the position to judge their relationship, it's shit that they should take care of themselves. Don't meddle in people's business when you're not even a main character"

The two took a few seconds glaring at eachother, considering eachother's points but staying true to their own

"Then what should we do? Felix is crying his fucking eyes out right now. Not you nor I can change that at this point" Chan muttered, breaking the eye contact to drop his head and rub his temples

"I say call Hyunjin. He might be avoiding Felix but I doubt he'd avoid us" Minho pitched, already pulling his phone out of his pocket

"He probably blocked our contacts"

"How do you know that?"

"The others tried to call him multiple times. He didn't answer"

Minho cursed under his breath and bit his lower lip, thoughts running in his mind for a plan

"I'll be back"

Before Chan could even protest, Minho had already ran out do the dorm, turning to his right as he vanished from Chan's sight

It hadn't been too long of a time before Minho came running back with a phone Chan didn't recognize

"Who's phone is that?" Chan asked but without an explanation Minho was already dialing Hyunjin's number onto the phone

"Kazuha. I doubt Hyunjin has her number so we'll probably be able to reach him" Minho spoke, grabbing Chan's hand as he opened the room door and entered again

Felix watched in silence as Minho and Chan lead into the room, sitting down next to him as his eyes drifted down to the phone

"Is that Hyunjin's number?" He asked, eyes widening as Minho clicked the call icon

"What are you doing?! What if he doesn't answer?! Who's phone is that even?!" Felix panicked, clutching Minho's wrist as he handed Chan the phone

"Don't panic. We're doing this for you" Chan spoke, watching as the phone still rung

Felix started to internally panic, feeling the urge to burst out into tears but he had already cried them all out

He didn't understand why Chan and Minho were doing this. He thought they didn't really care and were just there to comfort him

He was so confused and he hated it. All he wanted was Hyunjin to come back and ease his mind

His mind went blank and the blood drained from his face as he heard the male's voice from the other side of the phone


He couldn't breathe


Had an exhausting day fr

Do you think Chan has the right to feel that way??

Love you so much

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