𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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y/n was about to walk out the door of their dorm when their roommate cleared his throat to catch their attention, y/n looked over their shoulder at him while momentarily taking their lollipop out of their mouth.

"i know your ass loves drama, so meet me and kocho in the food court at 4pm." sanemi had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, but y/n simply grinned cheekily at him while pointing at him with the lollipop.

"aw, you know me so well." y/n laughed to themselves before holding up a hand as a wave, "i'll be there. thanks a bunch, 'nemi~!"

"i already told you to stop fucking call–" sanemi's protests were cut short by y/n closing the door since they walked out. sanemi huffed under his breath and rubbed his temples, almost exhausted from dealing with his roommate.

y/n snickered under their breath while walking down the stairs of their dorm building, they were supposed to meet up with douma for their 1 o'clock class. y/n placed their skateboard down before standing on it and skating towards the class where they had to meet douma.

"I MUST ASK YOU TO STOP SKATING!" a loud booming voice came from the right of y/n, they glanced over to see a member of the student council running up to them. y/n had run into the student council multiple times, they called them the police as a joke.

"catch me if you can, flame-head!" y/n stuck their tongue out before skating faster while laughing, kyojuro shook his head and tried to increase his speed so he could catch up to y/n. "what's wrong? can't keep up with a skateboard?"

kyojuro grinned even though he could feel his eyebrow twitching when y/n started laughing at him again, he had scolded them for skating countless times before, but no matter what it was like the student didn't care at all.

"AHAHAH! i love a challenge, i'll catch up." kyojuro was about to grab y/n by the waist, but they suddenly made a hard right. kyojuro couldn't stop and ran face first into the wall, y/n winced slightly and skidded to a stop on their skateboard.

"yikes, that's gonna leave a mark." y/n held back a laugh when kyojuro started rubbing his red forehead with a small pout. "i'd love to hang around and help you, but i've got a class in five minutes. see ya later, flame-head!"

y/n waved at kyojuro while skating off, a loud laugh coming from their mouth while kyojuro rolled his eyes. y/n gave one last glance over their shoulder and winked at kyojuro, the council member pouted and looked away with light pink cheeks. dammit, they're so cute.

"n/n~! you're finally here!" douma latched onto y/n like a starfish when they skated up to him, they almost fell off of their skateboard, but douma helped them balance. "i thought you ditched me, i think i even almost cried."

"yeah, yeah. i'm touched, thanks." y/n rolled their eyes sarcastically while picking their skateboard up from the ground. douma whined and gave them puppy-dog eyes, "don't look at me like that, i just ran from one of the student council members."

"again?" douma was walking next to y/n while tilting his head to look at their face, it had become a habit over the time he's known them. "god, it sure seems like they love targeting you. they might as well be the cops, just like you said."

y/n smiled from his comment, especially after he started laughing at his own words. y/n shook their head while putting their skateboard into their bookbag, douma noticed their silence and tilted his head while looking at them.

"why aren't you saying anything?" douma whined, about to frown and lean towards y/n's face before they opened the classroom door. y/n looked at him with an unamused face while holding the door open for him.

"bro, just because i don't answer doesn't mean anything." y/n snickered as they walked into the classroom behind of douma. "jeez, you need to relax dude."

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