𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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y/n was nodding their head along with the song that was playing in their headphones while skating down the sidewalk off campus, they were blissfully unaware of their surroundings at the moment, but they hadn't ran into anything–or anyone–yet.

kyojuro was walking down the same sidewalk as y/n since he was doing errands for his mother, at first he didn't notice them, but he just so happened to glance over in their direction and he noticed them. kyojuro subconsciously smiled when he spotted them, he gazed at them while they continued to nod their head to the song and lip sing it.

he was going to keep admiring from afar or just ignore them, but it looked like they were unaware about the telephone pole they were approaching. kyojuro jogged up to y/n before picking them up bridal style and spinning once to lessen the speed since y/n was skating.

"BOY IF YOU DON'T–" y/n immediately took off their headphones before noticing that it was just kyojuro and not a stranger, they broke out into a grin before winking. "well, that's one way to catch my attention, flame-head. i'm honored."

"i was trying to save you from hitting the telephone pole!" kyojuro gently placed them on the ground and gestured towards the telephone pole, y/n blinked and picked up their skateboard before awkwardly laughing. "now, are you okay? i didn't hurt you when i picked you up, did i?"

"i'm completely fine! just kind of embarrassed that i almost skated face first into a telephone pole." y/n smiled kindly at kyojuro, making his face flush slightly. "thanks for that, kyojuro!"

"a-ah, it's no problem! i was just being polite, HAHAH!" kyojruo laughed loudly while patting y/n's shoulder before tilting his head. "wait.. since when did you call me by my name?"

"since now, try to keep up." y/n snickered before grabbing kyojuro's hand and starting to walk down the sidewalk like nothing happened. "let's hang out, what did you come out here for today?"

"my mother needed me to run errands for her!" kyojuro grinned widely at y/n who nodded before fiddling with something in their pocket. "what about you? why'd you decide to skate here today?"

"uhh.. i just wanted to?" y/n laughed while pulling out two pieces of gum, "want one?" kyojuro nodded and took a piece of gum from the student. "anyway, i didn't have much to do today. so why not go outside, i guess."

"yeah, i can understand that!" kyojuro grinned wider if that was possible and pointed at himself with his thumb. "you can come with me on my errands!"

"oh, hell yeah, man! that sounds fun." y/n gave kyojuro a thumbs up before laughing quietly, apparently remembering something, making kyojuro tilt his head. "as long as we're back to the dorms by 6:30, i have plans at 7."

"alright! let's do this as quickly as possible then!" kyojuro was ecstatic that y/n agreed to hang out with him, he was never that close with them so this was his chance to become their friend.

y/n let kyojuro lead them by the hand while they stopped by every place that kyojuro had to go to, eventually they had to go to the grocery store. y/n's face brightened while they ran up to the shopping carts, kyojuro tilted his head before he saw them starting to climb in.

"W-WAIT! THAT'S DANGEROUS, BRO!" kyojuro yelled out, making some heads turn towards the two adults, one was in a shopping cart and the other was seemingly scolding them. "you're too reckless.. but i kind of like it."

"we're bros now? FUCK YEAH!" y/n grinned and held their hand out for a high five, kyojuro gladly gave them a high five while chuckling. "i knew you'd come around eventually, flame-head."

kyojuro started pushing y/n around in the cart like it was normal, they both ignored the looks other shoppers were giving them. y/n pulled out their phone and opened their camera app, they leaned their head back to look up at kyojuro.

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