𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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y/n was seriously about to knock out in their physics class, it was so boring and they really hated physics. they never really paid any attention to the class or the people in it, so it was no surprise that they didn't notice giyuu sitting a few seats away from them.

"i'm assigning you a project, you have to partner up for this." their professor's voice interrupted their daydreaming, y/n was immediately wide awake. "you may choose your partners."

"fuck my life." y/n groaned and slammed their head down on their desk, but then they winced and held their hand on their forehead. "..ow, that was dumb."

"..are you okay?" giyuu tilted his head while looking at y/n, a tone of concern in his voice. "why would you suddenly do that?"

"..wait i know that voice.." y/n looked up and as soon as they noticed giyuu their face lit up, they completely forgot about the red mark on their forehead. "IT'S YOU, EMO BOY! PLEASE BE MY PARTNER, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEA–"

"okay, i was planning on asking you anyways." giyuu felt lightning strike him when y/n called him emo boy, but he decided to ignore it since they didn't do it to be mean. "would you like to work in your dorm or mine?"

"you're an absolute life saver, giyuu." y/n grabbed the boy's hands while smiling widely at him, making him flush light red. "let's work in your dorm! sanemi would just annoy us the whole time if we went to mine."

giyuu nodded wordlessly and pulled his bag over his shoulder, y/n just picked up their notebooks and started following him. giyuu had noticed y/n in his class before and around campus, but he was too nervous to talk to them.

"..sorry in advance for my roommate." giyuu subconsciously gripped his bag tighter from anxiety since he didn't want to accidentally scare y/n off by being his usual quiet self.

"i'm sure your roommate can't be that bad." y/n laughed quietly, giyuu noticed that there was a slight skip in their step now. "besides, if they're an asshole i'll just be one back. you should learn a thing or two from me, don't let people walk all over you."

"..yeah." giyuu quietly nodded while looking away, he knew that y/n was right, but he really hated confrontation. y/n glanced over at him and frowned slightly, they didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"listen, i'm sorry if i come off as an ass." y/n awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of their neck with their free hand. "i'm just saying that because i don't want to see you get bullied or mocked, especially not by the people you spend the most time with."

"ah.. i know." giyuu smiled softly at y/n while patting their shoulder awkwardly, "thank you for caring, it means a lot, but their teasing and pokes don't really bother me. in fact, i mainly just ignore them."

"..wait, huh?" y/n paused at this new information before covering their face and shaking their head back and forth while groaning. "fuck, i'm sorry. i read the situation completely wrong, just forget i said that."

y/n didn't give giyuu the opportunity to answer since they started walking, this time they were speed walking away from the raven-haired boy. giyuu blinked before jogging to catch up with them, they walked in silence the rest of the way.

giyuu opened the door for y/n, they smiled and thanked him before stopping at the door and looking at giyuu's roommate with a dropped jaw. kokushibo was there in all his glory and reading a book, he had on a black sleeveless turtleneck and black sweatpants on.

"KOKU?!" y/n pointed at kokushibo, still shocked. kokushibo recognized their voice immediately and he looked up from his book with wide eyes, "how come you never told me that you were giyuu's roommate?"

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