𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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y/n was currently knocked out in history class, they were learning about some kind of old war that was back in the 1400s area. in the history class they were forced to take this semester, they had seatmates, y/n's seatmate was some guy named enmu.

enmu was currently gazing over at y/n, a wide smile on his face. enmu secretly admired y/n a lot in history class, y/n was almost always asleep and enmu watched to see if they ever had a nightmare. right now, y/n was smiling in their sleep, it's strange, but enmu hates seeing y/n's face distorted in pain or fear.

"wake up, class is over~!" enmu shook y/n's shoulder gently with the same wide smile, "you look like you're–"

y/n's fist hit him right in the face. y/n blinked and yawned before they woke up and realized what they did, they jumped up and gasped while placing their hand on enmu's shoulder.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry!" y/n was panicking while enmu had a sickly sweet smile on his face and a red blush on his cheeks. "it's just a reflex, i really didn't mean to–"

"oh, it's fine!" enmu wiped the small trickle of blood that came from his nose, a dark red blush still on his face. "in fact, you can even hit me again if you'd like~"

y/n paused and looked at enmu with a confused face, their nose was even crinkled slightly from disgust. they had never talked to this guy before and he was being this kinky already? slight red flag in y/n's opinion.

"yeah, no." y/n stood up and started walking off, they didn't bother taking notebooks or anything to history. "that's my cue to leave, bro. i'll see you never!"

enmu was snapped out of his daydreams when he saw y/n leaving, he jogged up to them and leaned towards them slightly with a wide grin on his face. y/n crinkled their nose again and placed their palm on enmu's forehead to keep his face away from theirs.

"do not get that close to me. i don't even know you, dude."

"but you can know me~!" enmu was unaffected by their clear disgust and confusion about him, he had been wanting a chance to talk to them for weeks. "we should be friends, wouldn't that be fun? i'll make sure you have the best dreams ever."

"..BITCH WHAT THE FU–" y/n cut themselves off when they saw enmu smiling wider, they deadpanned at the boy before walking faster. "you're a stranger, i'd like to keep it that way."

"awww, don't be that way." enmu frowned playfully while holding out y/n's favorite candy, they noticed it in the corner of their eye and paused. "i'm bribing you, that's how desperate i am."

y/n sighed in defeat and reluctantly took the candy from his hand, enmu had sparkles in his eyes while he grinned. y/n put the candy in their pocket before holding out their hand, their other hand was busy holding their skateboard.

"i'm y/n l/n, who are you?"

"enmu, just enmu~!" enmu grinned before winking and holding his hand out towards y/n in a hand-holding gesture. "but you can call me whatever you'd like."

"..yeah, okay. anyway," y/n snickered into their hand before looking over at enmu and smiling, enmu flushed light pink. "i think if you vacuumed jello it'd make such a cool noise."

"..ah, i beg to differ."

"then beg." y/n stuck their tongue out at enmu jokingly, but the boy's face turned light red while he grinned widely. "no, no, no. IT WAS A JOKE NO."

y/n ran from enmu before he could speak again, they only stuck around to give him their number but they sprinted off after that. enmu was stuck in an almost daze-like state, he couldn't tell if he was dreaming or not, it seemed so unreal.

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