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Part 1

Nokon's POV

Lined up side by side we were all checked for high temperatures. If any of them came back negative we could proceed with the test drive.

Ever since the last closing of the trip, I've been waiting for this opportunity once again. It's been a dream of my brothers for quite some time now and I wanted to treat him to it. Or at least, from what he's told me.
I'm still quite unsure why it closed, the voluntary work to out of this world, but it had to have been fixed by now. I mean, they're checking if our bodies could handle the trip after all.

So far only a few have been sent home for poor health, I feel bad for them, but they're safe now from any potential complications of this ride.

Nurse-"Negative, you can proceed in the room next to you."

"Ta, Ms. nurse"

I then proceeded to the last test, it's a written portion of behavior, locations, and emergency procedures.
When I entered I saw my boyfriend and brother waiting for me. They saved me a spot in between them.
In there it looked as if it was a rainbow, with the amount of colored hair that was present. I'd say there were about 20 people in the room.

Once we were all seated and called in, they closed the door to start the test. They knew I struggled with memory so they allowed me to use my notes. Although every incorrect answer of mine meant double the punishment.
While taking the test however I felt eyes on me the entire time. They were piercing. I looked around ever so often but I'd only disprove my feelings. Strange.

Once we were done, we handed in the tests and proceeded to the entryway.
My boyfriend and I were speaking while my brother looked around the place.

Orenji-"Well, how was it for you? Anything you struggled on?"

"No, not necessarily."

Orenji-"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I don't want to sound like a Galah but, I felt as if I was being watched the entire time."

Orenji- "Watched? Well, maybe by the patrollers but that's only to make sure we weren't cheating-"

"Fuck me dead, is that what it was? I swear I checked them."

Orenji- "Maybe, but if it wasn't them then it's probably someone who was trying to cheat on your test. I mean, you were the only one with notes."

A girl with pink hair interrupted our conversation. She was on the smaller flank. Possibly an ankle-biter.
She stated something about the notes I had but I didn't worry too much about it. My boyfriend was the arguing type anyway.
I was rather thinking of Tiru, my brother, and how he would do on this trip. He's fit for the trip, according to these past days, but is he truly? He's more of a toey person when it comes to times of danger. I'm sure we won't come across those types of situations though. Hopefully.

We then heard a scream coming from the other room. In a panic, I fled to the scream, to see what caused it.
There stood a tall woman with maroon hair speaking with one of the officers about her test results.

Maroon girl- "This is outrageous! Are you sure they even looked over mine?!"

Officer- "Remain calm Ms. Azuki-iro ."

Azuki-iro- "Calm?! Fuck you! This money for this dumb test could do so much for me! You want me to stay calm when I failed the last step?!"

Office— "You may speak with the ones who corrected the test after I ensure their safety."

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